big plant.... little pot?


just some guy
Just wondering how many hydro growers grow big plants in small pots. I'm sometimes amazed at how big some of the plants get with their little pots filled only 2/3's with rockwool and topped with hydroton (to prevent algae)

anyone have any good pics to share?

I'll start with one I harvested yesterday.



Well-Known Member
5 inch net pots work wonders in the right set up... Some people say it's too big, but Ive seen em do very well...

You are talking about netpots,right?


just some guy
5 inch net pots work wonders in the right set up... Some people say it's too big, but Ive seen em do very well...

You are talking about netpots,right?
could be netpots too, only thing with netpots is you can have a HUGE rootmass beyond them. I'm doing flood/drain and in that picture is just a pot with holes in the bottom to absorb water into the rockwool. so no, not really talking about netpots.

I'm just curious if other people who do hydro, well ebb/flow , flood/drain,....drip, whatever... if you use pots, how small of a pot do you use? I can take pics of the roots from those plants too, so few roots for such a big plant.


just some guy
yeah but look a the yeild in that small pot ..Bigger Root= Bigger Stem + (Bigger Bud) -3 over pie
I love rocko's modern life!

I'm not advocating small pots, I just think it's neat. you can cram a lot of small pots in a small area, for sog which makes the yield better, but that's neither here nor there. Strain has a lot to do with it too. :)