Big question: Why are outdoor flowers devalued?

A oz of top shelf in Australia can go for 400 a oz of very average is 250 and most folks here dont know the difference between something that has been carefully and lovingly cultivated and dried properly cured and something grown quickly indoors dried and bagged up.
The response I usually get is omg this is crazy goodwhere the fuck did you get this? and I say a friend lol. I tell them the price and they say I can get a1/4 for $80
Well you cant get this for 80 bucks and I'm thinking enjoy smoking that uncured chemically laden weed lol. Followed by a phone call a few weeks later, hey can you get as my note of that weed we smoked lol.
Im in Oz and the price varies quiet a bit from state to state and season to season. Were I'm at bush can be as low as $100 an oz just after harvest, $200 most of the year. Decent indoor $250 to $300. (I sell mine for $250). Obviously WA, NT and the big smoke of Sydney and Melbourne would be double that.
I can speak from only my experience and what I saw happen, I was very involved in the scene here back in the early 90's and on. Here there were a lot of guerilla grows and most of them were not sophisticated so the plants were just basically johnny appleseed grows where they were basically left un-touched until harvest. That type of grow is what really became what people considered outdoor here. Then when Hydro became more and more frequent the quality was indeed better because the plants we're more looked after since they were inside and people could tend to them more frequently. The plants had a fertilizer schedule, they were trained and they didn't need to be emergency harvested as often so in the end Hydro got a reputation for being better bud. If however you were to smoke some outdoor that is well looked after and cared for with as much patience and attention as indoor I think you will find that the quality is much closer together than what the general perception is. Some of the best bud I've smoked was some outdoor northern lights.
Im in Oz and the price varies quiet a bit from state to state and season to season. Were I'm at bush can be as low as $100 an oz just after harvest, $200 most of the year. Decent indoor $250 to $300. (I sell mine for $250). Obviously WA, NT and the big smoke of Sydney and Melbourne would be double that.
Lol if I didnt grow I move out bush
It’s like wine. Ever heard people say a certain year was a good year for wine? That’s because that year, the weather conditions, the soil etc were perfect for that strain of grapes. Indoor grows, providing the skill is there, will bring the strains potential to its fullest realization. No bugs (most of the time) no cloudy days, no storms, the right amount of water.
I'm convinced its has to do with how its treated post harvest. They get more yield so its generally treated like shit. Improperly dried. And the end lifecycle I think gets too much N and is hard to control in soil. I think it provides for the grassy smell/taste. Some amazing, healthy ass looking plants but also can taste like hay if too much N, ime.

Just a little story haha I torched a dried up bug in a chunk of brick that was hiding in my herb. I was in a rush before class and didn't break it up and when I pulled it through my chillum it was liquid... Still makes me shiver... I wanted to die.. Lol
I'm convinced its has to do with how its treated post harvest. They get more yield so its generally treated like shit. Improperly dried. And the end lifecycle I think gets too much N and is hard to control in soil. I think it provides for the grassy smell/taste. Some amazing, healthy ass looking plants but also can taste like hay if too much N, ime.

Just a little story haha I torched a dried up bug in a chunk of brick that was hiding in my herb. I was in a rush before class and didn't break it up and when I pulled it through my chillum it was liquid... Still makes me shiver... I wanted to die.. Lol

The grassy taste theory makes a lot of sense. Can’t control nitrogen uptake outdoors in soil, unless you’re using 20 gallon container or something.
The grassy taste theory makes a lot of sense. Can’t control nitrogen uptake outdoors in soil, unless you’re using 20 gallon container or something.
sorta but the counter argument is simple. The plant doesn't need N at the end so choses not to uptake it. Hence why no till under lights works extremely well.
i think it's just the past intruding on the present...people still think of outdoor weed as "homegrown"...and expect it to be inferior. you and i know that that is bullshit, and if the right person has the right genetics to work with, you'll get just as good, or better from outdoor weed as you will from indoor...but you and i grow weed...most people don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about, and still consider "hightimes" to be a valuable growing reference.....
I look at it this way. Gardening is my relaxation. I try to be perfect with everything I put in the soil. I do not spray any of my crops with pesticides. For my medicine crops I use Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. I also use those for my tomatoes. I am out there in my garden every single day attending to beans, carrots, corn, peas, tomatoes, cukes, broccoli(fail), strawberries and of course, my babies, hidden behind the corn.

I am a gardener. I love to have the earth under my nails and spend hours under the sun perfecting my techniques for maximum quality and yields. I apply those techniques to my cannabis plants. They are provided an incredible environment with soil naturally rich from limestone from Lake Michigan. Wisconsin is some of the best earth on the planet. That is not just hyperbole. That is fact.

Wisconsinites are a special bunch. We all know someone who farms. I spent summers on my uncles farm. We love to grow, and our short seasons makes us adapt and do some amazing things. It is a culture here.

My daughter wakes up just after dawn. I grab her and she says in her 20 month old voice, "garda" and points to the backyard. And we go look at the crops each morning, just her and I.

So that is why I garden outdoors. And why, for 7 months of the year, I jones to be back out there doing it for the little blessed time I get to. And soon, my daughter will have dirt under her nails with me. Not my son, he hates anything thats not baseball!!
That is the same ways I was tought growing up on are farm and I tought my kids on my farm the same way.raised all of are meat as well.
i think it's just the past intruding on the present...people still think of outdoor weed as "homegrown"...and expect it to be inferior. you and i know that that is bullshit, and if the right person has the right genetics to work with, you'll get just as good, or better from outdoor weed as you will from indoor...but you and i grow weed...most people don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about, and still consider "hightimes" to be a valuable growing reference.....
Good post.
Oh yum, hydro dispensary weed with a nice shotglass of Roundup. Who doesn't love all that chemical taste?