big Question

Purple Hayze

Active Member
ok you guys, im starting some hydros i know, i know "post in the right section!!!" but more people look at this forum and respond more. ok my seedlings are doin good except for 3 outa 6 of'em . 2 of them just bent like using the side of their tray for support and the others were fine, so i thot. so i gave them alil water and i sprayed one of the plants that was perfectly straight and it just BENT like from the force of the spray of the water which was not very hard at all. Should i rip'em out and get different seeds or should i get some support system for them or do you think they will staighten out over time or what???? NEED SOME HELP ON THIS ONE
Support them with a straw or something. Keep a light breeze on them and they'll develop stronger stalks.
i usually let them do their thing untill they straighten out themselves, untill i put a fan on them. but either way will probably work, how old are they, like "baby" babies?
my plant did this when it was young and it was due to me overwatering if you let them sit over night and they straighten up its cause you have over watered them alittle
they are like a week or so old i think that ill stop watering them for a bit and time 'em to a straw or sumthing duz that sound good?