Big rosin press

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Looking into making a big commercial press...several lbs at once. First question is does anybody already make one or know who does?

For those experienced rosin makers out there, what size plates do you use and with how much force? @what temps? And maxium amount you could press at once with your equipment?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Looking into making a big commercial press...several lbs at once. First question is does anybody already make one or know who does?

For those experienced rosin makers out there, what size plates do you use and with how much force? @what temps? And maxium amount you could press at once with your equipment?
Check out newvape...they have a 100 ton large plate unit. 8 heaters....gravity drip as well if needed. Top of the line imo.


Well-Known Member
How big do you want to go?

The concept of pressing rosin is fairly straight ahead....You need a bit of heat and a lot of pressure and parchment paper of a slick pad...and you ALWAYS need the highest quality flowers to work with.

Big presses can be very expensive and their are all kinds of them.

The larger the plates, the more the chance there is for deformation under for a big press, you need thick plates.....which then require bigger heating elements....and so on

I know there are some big presses but I don't know of any that are commercially available. I think you will just have to decide how big big is and then go from there to design your own.

Temps will vary from strain to strain but the general limit that I like to go is under 200 degrees F. I do a couple tests to see how low I can go and still get the rosin to melt/flow....because the lower the temp, the more the flavors/terps will be preserved. Some strains will melt at 120F....some not until you get close to 200F!


New Member
Check out the Sasquash presses. They're pretty solid looking and built like tanks. The Sasquash v.2.5 is their biggest and has 25 tons of pressure (10,000 psi), 10" x 5" dual heated plates and apparently ship free across the USA.

Right now I'm using the NugSmasher 12 ton, but its more of a personal press.

It's pretty pricy, but worth checking out


Active Member
Why not stack plates in a cage? Then you can use a smaller press and do several packets at the same time.