Big things a gwan


Well-Known Member
I'm growing white widow and kish. Can't talk much about the feeding program because the person who told me asked me to keep it to myself. He has 40 years under his belt and taught me lots so out of respect have to listen to him. I will be flipping the white widow plants with shade cloth because it won't fishin in time. Enjoy I'll answer questions when I have time. Good luck with your gardens. And remember everyone has there opinion on how things should be done be careful who you choose to listen to.


Well-Known Member
Very nice flc, ive seen a few of your past threads, very nice. Looks like your in my backyard!o_O

What strain do you run out there?


Well-Known Member
flawless my dog those bushes look Legit:weed: you got 250 of those ... FUCK YEA

me tooon the rebar and pvc depo;)but wit 20ft sitcks as hoops third year on my frame man do i love it. neighbors think i am lonny tunes but ...
Thanks I have about 210 these picks are from the ones in the yard they are the smaller ones I'll take some of the ones in the ground soon. Flipping the plants is hard work only going to flip 20 or so. I did all this myself this year and I think I bit off more then I can chew. Good help is hard to find anyone worth hiring is doing it themselves


Well-Known Member
Well the updated on the tarps is epic fail. I have crazy winds here not even bricks can hold them Down oh well bigger plants I guess