Big troubles


Active Member
:sad:I got HUGE prob. My airstone got clogged so I had to pull out my main female monster bud maker and change it. Now the plant is wilting and dying! WTF can I do to revive it. It WAS super healthy and just ready to bud up with hundreds of buds! HELLLLLPPPP!
If you were careful and did not tear the roots all out you will be fine, just shocked it I am sure.

No way you killed it but lifting out, changing stone and putting back.
First, you need to get rid of calcium deposits inside the air stone. Soak it in warm vinegar for several hours, then rinse out with water. Next, you need to heat up and break down things that won't dissolve in the vinegar bath, so you put the stone into a pot of boiling water for another several hours. The final stage is using a base corrosive to take care of anything else left over - soak in water with chlorine bleach, 3:1 water:bleach, for 24 hours. Remove stone from the bleach solution and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water for about ten minutes, until it no longer feels slimy. If you can force water through the air stone, do it, otherwise just keep rinsing the crap out of it.

Allow to dry and store, or after rinsing immediately put back into your hydroponics system and get that airflow going! You won't have 100% airflow restored but you will have a great deal returned to you!

Lol.. or you could.. go to the store and spend 2 bucks and get a new one. Weird how people waste so much energy, time and effort on something that costs so little. Just buy a new one and be worry free.
MJM: all the more reason to keep spares on hand for situations just like that. Stressing a plant like that it might need two to three weeks to recover. I wish there was an easier way, but from what you ask, I think you might be new to this so I’d suggest you RTFB and refer to the following:
3. Read: Ed Rosenthal’s, “MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOK.”
4. You’ll also want to read: Mc Carthy’s book, “GROWING MARIJUANA.”
5. You should also subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES,” magazine. Each issue is chocked full of useful information. .” All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. And I want to add a new book to the list, a 6[SUP]th[/SUP] one: “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE- SECOND EDITION,” written by Greg Green. It’s a match to, if not better than, the ones listed above. Doing your homework and consulting these resources will save you and your plants a lot of anxiety before you plant. These forums are great but often they can’t get the information you need to you in a timely fashion. I hope this helps.
HSA... No offense but i have never seen you post anything but that copied list books. While i agree with you that everyone should read them, do you really think its helping someone looking for answers here to just send them to a different source?

Changing the stone shouldn't cause this much damage, unless the airtube was tangled in the roots and you ripped them away.
There is no magic fix to helping a dying plant. Give it perfect growing conditions and if the genetics allow it, it will bounce back.

Try adding a small dose of B-Vitamins, helps reduce shock.
Lol.. or you could.. go to the store and spend 2 bucks and get a new one. Weird how people waste so much energy, time and effort on something that costs so little. Just buy a new one and be worry free.

agree i dont use them but if i did i would have 2 or 3 of them on my shelf for spares. along with a couple of new light bulbs and used bulbs labeled as spares. my next spare item will be another exhaust fan. thats a little more money than a couple of airstones lol
agree i dont use them but if i did i would have 2 or 3 of them on my shelf for spares. along with a couple of new light bulbs and used bulbs labeled as spares. my next spare item will be another exhaust fan. thats a little more money than a couple of airstones lol

Right.. like common sense I always think of failures and what if's.