BigB's second medical grow. Outdoor 2013.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
So I decided to post a thread now that I have something to look at.

First I want to say thank you to all the guys and gals here who have answered questions for me, and posted their grow's for me to borrow info and tips from.:bigjoint:

This is my second grow. Last year I did 4 plants (2 cheese & 2 Blue Dream) that were given to me late (end of July I think) but they were already about 4 feet tall. I knew pretty much nothing when I started. The plants were in crap soil, got too much shade from my fence, and I used some Fox Farm nutes but I don't think I gave them enough. When I read 1 tbsp per gallon on the bottle, I thought that meant to give each plant 1 gallon of nutes... but I managed about 2lbs and about another 1lb of popcorn and fluffy stuff for butter and hash. Mostly I learned a lot.

This year I'm going bigger. 8 clones, and hopefully 4 girls from seed, for a planned 12 plants.

I'll be using Maxsea for nutes, I've been using some GH FloraNova for early veg. The Maxsea starts this week. I'm also using a little bit of Dyna-Gro Protekt.

4 OG clones, this is a friends prized OG cutting that he run's indoors. After his grow was decimated by some rippers with badges last winter, One broken clone was found on the floor. Someone brought me a smashed rockwool cube late one night with a broken clone in it. She had 2 leaves left and not much else. I spent the winter nursing her back to health. She's thriving now, and I have 4 cuttings from her growing currently. 4 to flower, 1 to keep as a mom.

4 Blackberry Kush clones from Craigslist. I have 6, I'm keeping 2 as mom's.

here are the clones from a couple days ago. These have been outside since 4/28, they were spending their nights indoors with some extra lighting until 5/8. I use this old metal shelf when they are small to keep them up where my dog's won't knock them over.

Here are my White Widow seedlings and my mom's enjoying some sun. I currently have 8 seedlings. 1 is a runt and probably will die, but I'm letting it do it's thing till it does. The rescued OG clone is the mom in the small pot. The one to her right is one of her clones.

To prep this year I installed a bug zapper, and put up some bamboo privacy screens on my fence. Don't mind the weeds, That area is getting covered with wood chips soon.

This week I bought some soil.

1 yard of organic garden potting soil from a local soil producer. This is probably more than I need. The extra will be used for my wife's flower beds.

1/2 yard of 420 mix from the same local soil company:

I mixed the 2 together in a 2:1 ratio with 25% perlite, some garden lime, some worm compost, and some neem seed meal. I then started filling up some Geopots.

Some pictures from yesterday:

oh, and here is my crack security team:

I plan to have all the clones in their final pots tomorrow or Monday. I'll post some more pics then.

Any suggestions are welcome!:weed:


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. About right now I'm wishing I had a bigger yard:mrgreen:

With some help from the wife I got all 8 clones transplanted into their final pots. 30 gallon Geopots. These pots are probably too big, and I may end up with a jungle instead of a backyard, but I just couldn't bring myself to hold them back with little pots... :weed:

If needed, I can move a few girls to other parts of the yard. I tested it and I can move a 30 gallon myself if the soil is mostly dry.

Here are some pics.

I Noticed today that my Blackberry Kush clones look like they're trying to flower.. Super annoying. Hopefully they'll knock that crap off soon. I'm at 14 hours and 47 minutes of day length right now.. I'm not going to get much longer of a day before they start getting short again..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
clones tend to be unpredictable they might have bin under 24 hours of light if they where they will flower..

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
clones tend to be unpredictable they might have bin under 24 hours of light if they where they will flower..
I know. When I got them I put them under 18/6 lights for a while, and then 16/8, and then 15/7. But I may not have done it for long enough I guess. Ive read that this strain is known for triggering easily. Hopefully they'll reveg soon and bush out for me.

I would love to be able to run suplimental lights on these girls but I'm pretty sure my neighbors would notice.

I was going to spray with neem today for bugs but the weather is wet and foggy. The plants are all wet right now. If it doesn't dry out I'll have to do it tomorrow.

I guess I'll transplant my white widow seedlings out of their beer cups and into some proper pots.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are ready for one hell of a season. How much shade does that garden get a day? I'm about to change up where I keep my plants because I'm afraid they are getting to much shade. They are getting at least 8 hours of sunlight a day though.

I feel you on your Blackberry Kush situation, my Phat N Fruity clone is starting to really shoot pistils everywhere. Check it.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I hope it will a great season. If I can get a 1/2lb per plant again I'll be happy, but I'd love to do better than last year. My OG plants are known for being low yeald so I'm not sure how much I'll get off of them. Should be quality though.

I think in getting about 9 hours of sun on most if the plants. I tried to place them for maximum sun but I do have that fence one one side and my laundry room is on the other. The south is pretty much open though.

Now I just need the sun to come out. It's been overcast for a couple of days now.

Your plant looks a lot like mine do right now. Hairy pistils everywhere. Would you call that flowering? Or just pre-flowers? I'm not very good at telling the difference myself.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Well not much to report really this week.

The Blackberry Kush clones got a little wilted in some hot weather right after being transplanted. Some maxsea and water fixed them up. I may not have used enough water after I transplanted.

Growth on all the plants has been stalled this week. They just kinda look the same.

Hopefully they're just busy spreading out thier roots into these new pots.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Plants have started growing again and look happy in their new homes.

Sunday and Monday I spent some time clearing the upper part of my yard of weeds, then I put down about a yard of mulch to hopefully control those weeds in the future. The area looked a little brown and dull so I planted some more plants up there.:-P

So, now I'm up to 5 OG's and 6 Blackberry Kush. I've also got 6 of the White Widow seedlings still. 2 runts didn't make it. I'm still waiting for those to show sex.

These are 3 clones that I was going to use as mom's but they got too big, so I decided to plant them and take new clones off of them.

Oh, and check out what my dog found in the drying room on Sunday.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks! That snake of hoping mad by the time I got to him. The dog really pissed it off. I set it free in a field behind the house.

I think it was a king snake, I've never seen one before. Usually I just see gopher snakes.


Active Member
Thanks! That snake of hoping mad by the time I got to him. The dog really pissed it off. I set it free in a field behind the house.

I think it was a king snake, I've never seen one before. Usually I just see gopher snakes.
Definitely a king snake.

As for your crap over cast weather I've had that around here too. A lot of my plants went into early flower. Some are coming around after a few days of full sun but other don't seem like they'll make it. Though we still got another few days until the days start getting shorter. I Guess it really doesn't matter for me as I am moving so I'm still trying to figure out what I am going to do with most of my outdoor plants. Wasn't able to find a house I could do outdoor at but I'll have more indoor space. I had to find a new place on short notice as my landlord is selling the place I am currently at. I'm thinking of taking the best ones inside and giving a few to my friends. A few of them went into full flower earlier this season and are almost done so those will get chopped before I move.

Looks great so far and as long as you keep getting sunny days you should have a jungle by harvest time.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks man. The weather has been better lately. Mostly 75-85 and sunny. Still getting some 40 degree nights but the plants don't seem to mind. I won't have any trouble getting these Blackberry Kush to purple up though. I've moved a few plants around to spots that catch more sun as well. My laundry room is to the west and it was blocking some of the afternoon sun. The 4 that are flowering haven't shown any signs of reveg just yet, but the buds aren't getting any bigger either so hopefully it's just a matter of time.

I'm definitely hoping for a jungle. My buddy who does indoor says I'm going to have to crawl under the plants to get around and use a ladder to check on the buds, but they're only around 2 feet right now so it's hard to believe they will get that big. I've got just under two months of veg time left though so it should be good.


Well-Known Member
entire set up looks good man.. you will get some huge plants unless you lst or scrog em

Love how you have an office chair there.. I did that last year and loved it.. rolled to and from my trees with ease..


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
entire set up looks good man.. you will get some huge plants unless you lst or scrog em

Love how you have an office chair there.. I did that last year and loved it.. rolled to and from my trees with ease..

Thanks. I was thinking of doing some LST this year but I think the clones are too big now. The OG's are thin stemmed and still flexible, but the BBK's are thick already. They have all been topped though. I get afraid of ending up with fragile plants that need lots of support with LST, but haven't done ite before so I'm going to use those white widow seedlings for some LST practice.

The chair does come in handy. It has saved me from some back and knee pain. Mine doesn't have wheels though. I wish it did. I love to sit out there and watch them grow.

Your plant from last year looks great.


Well-Known Member
clones tend to be unpredictable they might have bin under 24 hours of light if they where they will flower..
This is so untrue my veg room is 24/7 and my outdoor doesnt do this. Its a couple different factors that plays roles in this Strain and Light are the two big ones.

Other then that bro they look great keep up the good work.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Do you guys see any signs of reveg on this girl?

I've reveged from late late flower before, and the new growth coming out of the buds with tomato plant looking leaves was pretty obvious then, but here I just don't see it.
