BigB's second medical grow. Outdoor 2013.

I got a little bored today and decided to torture the white widow seedlings. Tied them all down with Velcro plant ties and some bailing wire.


With any luck they'll be reaching for the sky again in a couple days.

Hopefully I can weed out the dudes soon. Nothing but unidentifiable nubs right now.
Been busy in the garden getting these girls ready to start moving towards flower soon.

Gave all of the OG's a mild lollipoping on Friday and staked each of the main branches with bamboo for some extra support.

Today I top dressed each of the big plant with neem seed meal and scratched that in. Then I top dressed each one with a couple inches or so of mango mulch compost.

I also transplanted the white widow into rope handled tubs from Walmart with holes drilled in the bottom. I think they're about 15 gallons or so.

I put one white widow in straight grab n grow 420 mix just to see how that soil does on its own. The rest were planted in 5 gallons of 420 mix, 5 gallons of compost, about 3 gallons of perlite and 1 cup of garden lime each.

Once I finished with that I started brewing my first attempt at a compost tea. Just a basic one with mango mulch compost, worm castings, a dash of kelp, and molasses. I'll water with that tomorrow evening.

I've also got a bag of high nitrogen bat guano on the way here. I'll make a tea or two out of that so Theses girls have plenty of nitrogen to use for the upcoming stretch.

Anyways, here is the view from my chair this evening.


Cheating? Oh the lights? Yeah they're still running. I think I'm going to shut them off at the end of the month. I think that will let them flower on schedule. Though I have been tempted to let them start sooner and maybe beat the october weather.

I am determined. Slightly obsessed really, with getting the most yield and quality Ii can out of them and dreaming of the pounds, lol.
I'm noticing a lot of those little white cabbage worm butterflies flying around the yard today.

The war begins now. Spraying is going to be my new religion.
Yes. watering and pruning the other day I had some fly out. They have been around for me awhile now. Been spraying though once a week.
Yeah I've been spraying weekly as well but just a little neem here, a little Spinosad there. Now that I've seen them out I know it's time to rotate in the BT and start spraying more often.
bamboo privacy fencing.. that's genius!
Was it difficult to install? Or was it as simple as just nailing it to the existing fence?
LOL I bought to exact same fencing for the exact same purposes! 25 bucks for 15 feet at lowes, Im in! Dope grow my man, props!
bamboo privacy fencing.. that's genius!
Was it difficult to install? Or was it as simple as just nailing it to the existing fence?

Thanks, I used some U shaped staple/nail things from the hardware store to nail it up. I also used a few zip ties to tie the sections together where they meet so I didn't have any gaps.

If I was going to do it again I would probably use drywall screws and big washers. Those U shaped nails are a bitch to nail in straight. I smashed by thumb a few times.

I imagine a nice big staple gun would work as well.

They're not perfect, you can see though them from close up, but it helps.
Halfway there. Update before the fun part starts.

I think my plants are starting to stretch, so I decided to pull the lights today and let them run.

I MacGyvered this together today so that the light from the kitchen window doesn't confuse the plants at night while they flower. It's on hooks so I can take it down during the day.

I cleaned out the middles on the BBK reveger's today as well. They're throwing branches in every direction. They were really dense in the middle and I don't want any mold issues. It's gets foggy here a lot.

Here's my biggest stalk so far, on the big OG kush up top.

Here's where the plants are today.

Og Kush:





Blackberry Kush:






White Widow:

Pretty sure these 4 are girls.

I think these 2 are going to be male, but I'm not sure just yet.

and here are a couple overall shots:

oh, almost forgot. I've been playing around with some netting as well to support the branches. Not sure if like it, also not sure if I'm doing it right. lol
The Netting should be fine since it looks like it is being held at all corners by the bamboo sticks...
Iim about to put mine up as well.
The Netting should be fine since it looks like it is being held at all corners by the bamboo sticks...
Iim about to put mine up as well.

Thanks. I planned to have the bamboo support the netting as well as all of the main branches. Hopefully it will work.