BigB's second medical grow. Outdoor 2013.


Active Member
ok so my plants getting kinda big and i noticed some branches on mine also cracked, maybe it was the wind maybe it was me not being careful or idk... anyways i put some take around the wound, its way worse that supercropping i actually had some success with that. no these branches cracked in half

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I noticed this on a couple of the reveged blackberry kush tonight.

Am I correct that this is a magnesium deficiency? Or did I somehow burn them when I sprayed with Spinosad yesterday?

this showed up pretty much overnight.



Well-Known Member
Looks more like spray burn to me can you post a pic of the whole leave maybe a couple leaves i need to see more then a part of the leave to say its a deficiency.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Sure. Had to use the flash because it's not very bright out yet. Plants are wet from fog this morning.

On this plant it's only on like 3-4 leaves. Older leaves. New growth looks fine.

On this plant it's all over the place. Same thing though, older leaves not new ones.

BTW, my spray consisted of 4tbsp per gallon of monterey garden spray (Spinosad) and a squirt of dawn dish soap. I sprayed all the plants but the rest look fine. I also sprayed with BT (2tsp per gallon) and a dash of soap on the 21st.

Thanks for helping.


Well-Known Member
Yea it kinda does look like a Mag deficiency but they are also reveged but I would buy a bottle of Cal/Mag and hit them with it it cant hurt them..

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Yea it kinda does look like a Mag deficiency but they are also reveged but I would buy a bottle of Cal/Mag and hit them with it it cant hurt them..
Yeah those are my ugly ass revegers. Leafy as fuck. Wierd leaves and branches in every direction.

Thanks for the help man. I'll hit them with some cal/mag this evening. I assume I would be good to give it to all of my plants? They're all under the same conditions(food, soil etc.) so I figure if these 2 need MG they all will soon.


Well-Known Member
Yea it kinda does look like a Mag deficiency but they are also reveged but I would buy a bottle of Cal/Mag and hit them with it it cant hurt them..
Yes and it could be getting locked out from to much N or over watering.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Yes and it could be getting locked out from to much N or over watering.
Hmm. My notes say I watered heavier than normal on 7/23 because it was going to be hot for a few days. Hasn't been watered since then. Also they got a top dressing (1 cup per 30 gallon pot) of 9-3-1 (mostly insoluble) bat guano on 7/19 and some 16-16-16 MaxSea that same day.

Could it be that the guano kicking in is too much N? The rest of the plants seem to be happy but they're stretching. These reveg bitches haven't really started to stretch just yet.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Alright so everyone got a dose of cal/mag in thier water yesterday afternoon.

Everything looks happy today.

The 2 with the spots on the leaves aren't any worse, they're about the same but still growing. No dropping, curling, or other weirdness.

How often should I give them cal/mag in the future?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Looks like all six of my white widow turned out to be girls.

Makes me wonder if those free seeds were selfed seeds. Hopefully they won't turn hermaphrodite on me.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Have you had any problems with fem seeds hermaphing out on you?
This my first time growing anything from seed, so no. But I have read that it can be a potential problem. A friend of a friend created these seeds, don't know if it was purpose or not so I can't help but question how stable they are. Most likely they'll be fine. They've been growing so well that the wife asked me to clone them for next season.


Well-Known Member
Yea i have had seeds that were all female then about the 3rd or 4th week in to flower they started throwing sacks so 9 seeds and 2 clones indoor all seeds had to go bye bye and i ran my room for another month for two plants lol.. So from now on all my seed will be done outside lol.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Yea i have had seeds that were all female then about the 3rd or 4th week in to flower they started throwing sacks so 9 seeds and 2 clones indoor all seeds had to go bye bye and i ran my room for another month for two plants lol.. So from now on all my seed will be done outside lol.
Were they "feminized"? I have a Wonder Woman fem'd from nirvana, I guess I will just keep an eye on her.