Biggest Mistake I Won't Make Again.


Well-Known Member
Just made the biggest mistake I will never make again,
I added nutes directly to my plant plants roots in Hydro causeing my beautiful Black Kush to freak out on week 6 of flowering.
Totally bummed. :(


Well-Known Member
Buying cheap stuff just to save a few bucks. Nine times out of ten I will have to replace the cheap stuff. In the end I spend more than if I had simply payed for quality in the first place.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
man I overspend. I switch grow methods so much. Now I am at the best point, dwc trees with four in flower and four in veg and five gallon buckets. Makes the most sense as a legal grower rather than ebb tables with rockwool trees.

But the worst mistake I think was running a ozone machine in my room and giving what I thot was cal mag def to all my plants. I yeilded like an ounce from 7 gallons of superosoil that vegged fine but come the ozone, boom! all sick.

I use charcoal now and it works fine.

Also tents were a late addition. I was trying to run a 400 in my closet, and in my bathroom, and in a cabinet. Tents saved the day.