Biggest Single Indoor Plant Ever


Well-Known Member
man there comin along nicely i took these pics christmas day i couldnt upload them as i turned on my computer and nothing not even the boot up beep so im thinkin the cpu has blown i have a spare opteron cpu il stick in later and see so i have comandeerd my girlfriends pc

picture 1 shows the light setup its pretty much like you showed with urs but im not having them on the floor and its still lighting up all the sides verry well

picture 2 shows the height of the 2 lights from the top colas and how dense there getting the crystal growth is coming along nicely i will take a few more pics about 7 pm when the lights have just gone off to see if i can get some cool crystal pics

picture 3 you can see just how many colas there is now on the top

picture 4 you can see just how bent over the top cola is the whole plant is bent in a s shape

i cant wait if all goes to plan i should b able to start renting my own house sometime in the new year more pics to come in a sec how do you post them big like you did? ...... peace



Well-Known Member
heres a couple more pics jesus she is gettin big now i tied the lower branches down gently all the buds r now pointing up and stretching the change of pot was well apreciated she really needed it

pic 3 looking down from inbitween the 2 lights note the position of the 2 cfl's isnt where they go just moved for picture taking purposes these are usualy placed at branch height
picture 4 you can see my sugar and yeast sort of mock up co2 maker every little helps fresh air is drawn in all day also

i got a few oz over christmas n found lots of seeds in it so il start them aswell and once there popped il germ under the 2 cfl's for 12 hrs then under the hps lamps with her for the other 12 for brighter light



Well-Known Member
hope you have many lites for many monsters.start to vegg one now for a early big outdoor grow, grow a monster, monster. and take fdd's title


Well-Known Member
hope you have many lites for many monsters.start to vegg one now for a early big outdoor grow, grow a monster, monster. and take fdd's title

those are some really big shoes to fill.

make sure your genetics are top rate before you go all in on one plant though


Well-Known Member
its white satin from mandela seeds
if i wanted some1s title lol id veg a plant for 5 months then take it outdoors in the summer n get 1 that way im just after some pukka dro


Well-Known Member
cool...I'll have to see if I can count too....are you talking ALL top buds that are developing? I'll be back later with a number.....but let me know so that we're not comparing different counts! thanks!


Well-Known Member
heres a couple of pics of 1 of the bottom branches and a couple of the whole plant its day 27 of flower so i predict 40 days left tops now i cant wait guys woo nearly here (lets just hope all goes well) ..peace!



Well-Known Member
yeh all the top buds i count the buds that arent on the first branches that fork out in a x about 6 inches across each


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is a great grow and luckily for you it wont get moved into the grow journal section,i wonder why that is:mrgreen: