Yes email. you are so right. Its a great idea. People down the way did that and have themselves a gorgeous pond. Its beautiful. :mrgreen:
And the great thing is that the water table isn't that far down so it wouldn't take much.
The only thing I would be worries about is it overflowing once the snowmelts but then again. Thats only temporary but still. :? I could have fishes and froggies and lots of lily pads. Those are so darn cute. :clap:
Yeah a pond is definitely a dream of mine. :mrgreen:
Hey Lacy - do you have access to a dozer or back-hoe? you could push/dig a pond out.
this morning i mixed together:

jacks surprise
jazz train
black domina
green crack
blue dream

i rolled up 4 big fatties. i'm thru my first one. having a hellafa monday. :)