
Well-Known Member
good morning.

sipped on acoule nut brown ales last night and caughta good little buzz.

not to say all the campfire smoke got in my eyes so it look as though i was extremly baked, which i was.


Well-Known Member
well a bunch of people jumped ship and went other places anyway, I have noticed these threads have already slowed down a lot..........

easily i want to say that alot of RIU has been quiet slow the last couple months.

makes me sick.

im proud of us RIU people that started those thread for a good reason, and still chat on them everyday.

but i also wish to say that i do feel as though the site has had alot more slander and other links posted that could bugging the sysytem.

but all in all i want to see this site/RIU people talk about the what forums is about, well mainly, CANNABIS!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
We have to keep our grumpy old farts section going.... fdd said yesterday that "we" scare him sometimes..LOL... well thats how I feel in some of the other threads.... its seems that even though I'm bilingual in two official languages (canada) I still don't have a clue what they're saying....
fizzile my jizzile.... yo yo yo..... word dude.....???? good grief, "I need to buy a clue Alex"....... now I get how the old man felt, he'd just shake his head and walk away.... :p..


Well-Known Member
We have to keep our grumpy old farts section going.... fdd said yesterday that "we" scare him sometimes..LOL... well thats how I feel in some of the other threads.... its seems that even though I'm bilingual in two official languages (canada) I still don't have a clue what they're saying....
fizzile my jizzile.... yo yo yo..... word dude.....???? good grief, "I need to buy a clue Alex"....... now I get how the old man felt, he'd just shake his head and walk away.... :p..
i feel you. <---( hehe haha.) :hump:

no i def see where your coming from.

remember that one song that went..

"girls just wanna have fun, oh girls they just wanna have fun?":neutral:

its kinda like oh twisty/crippled jsut wanna have fun, oh twisty/crippled just wanna have fun?"


its like come on give us a break!



Well-Known Member
i feel you. <---( hehe haha.) :hump:

no i def see where your coming from.

remember that one song that went..

"girls just wanna have fun, oh girls they just wanna have fun?":neutral:

its kinda like oh twisty/crippled jsut wanna have fun, oh twisty/crippled just wanna have fun?"


its like come on give us a break!

Its just funny the way us 70's hippies were supposed to be the downfall of civilization as we know it....... man I've become my old man... hated garden shit before, like him, now love it.... he didn't get me... I don't get the new crop of young'uns .... All thats missing is the old man smell.......

*sniff....sniff...... Ewwwww.......!!! Ahhhh....!!! I'm old.. :o


Well-Known Member
How about a section for the blind?

Wait, that might not work out so well....

out. :blsmoke:
lots here have eye issues... I think tips' eyes are a bit bad.. and mine aren't that good either.....
blind or deaf.. what a choice... I think the deaf would be my choice now... I'm not doing the band stuff anymore and I'm on the net, and reading I
*Zap..... what ya say...... ???? oppps.. stupid fate... :(
