Well-Known Member
Think about how much the realtor stands to make from the sale of your home...

They work for you, make sure they remember that. ;)


Well-Known Member
Think about how much the realtor stands to make from the sale of your home...

They work for you, make sure they remember that. ;)
That is true. He was pushing me to accept an offer that I found to be insulting....:? When I stood my ground, he came off with the 'intimidating' talk. No biggy, I am over it....He can label me if he likes, whatever...

So has the H1N1 flu hit your area yet? None down here so far, thank god.


Well-Known Member
LOL LOL. Morning Twisty!:hug:

Hey, can I ask you something? I was told yesterday that I am intimidating...Do you think I am? I try not to be, I am just passionate about certain things....My realtor told me I am very intimidating with some of the things that come out of my yap...:(
I am a lot of things, but, I never thought intimidating was one of them. And, really, how can a 5'2", 90 pound woman be intimidating????
That is true. He was pushing me to accept an offer that I found to be insulting....:? When I stood my ground, he came off with the 'intimidating' talk. No biggy, I am over it....He can label me if he likes, whatever...

So has the H1N1 flu hit your area yet? None down here so far, thank god.
Listen Sunny... when I was growing up I was influenced by what my peers thought.. I lost out on great things and girlfriends all because someone didn't approve... be your own women Sunny... it is harder for women..if your weak you're a "typical" weak pushover.. if you're strong you get labeled everything from bitch to dyke... fuck them all... I do and say what I want when I want.... pointe final.... You'll never get ahead by conformity.. you'll earn more respect for being strong..and those that try to denigrate that ARE the weaker ones... as they've surrendered to the stereotype......


Well-Known Member
Listen Sunny... when I was growing up I was influenced by what my peers thought.. I lost out on great things and girlfriends all because someone didn't approve... be your own women Sunny... it is harder for women..if your weak you're a "typical" weak pushover.. if you're strong you get labeled everything from bitch to dyke... fuck them all... I do and say what I want when I want.... pointe final.... You'll never get ahead by conformity.. you'll earn more respect for being strong..and those that try to denigrate that ARE the weaker ones... as they've surrendered to the stereotype......
That is some good advice Twisty. Thank you. I am a strong woman, and, I am not going to change that now. You just helped me to realize it even more! I love you. :peace:


Well-Known Member


New Member
LOL LOL. Morning Twisty!:hug:

Hey, can I ask you something? I was told yesterday that I am intimidating...Do you think I am? I try not to be, I am just passionate about certain things....My realtor told me I am very intimidating with some of the things that come out of my yap...:(
I am a lot of things, but, I never thought intimidating was one of them. And, really, how can a 5'2", 90 pound woman be intimidating????
morning knuckleheads.................

you scare the hell out me...........:hug: