YES! *tackles you to the ground and smothers you in love cuz I can't give you rep at the moment* lol, not just mayonaise, but still...

Or does your corn man just put mayonaise?
dude, does anyone here know who/what the Corn Man is? lol, that's what we call him, but yeah, like the small ice cream vendors where they're just pushing a cart...only instead of ice cream he sells corn. Anyone know what I'm talking about? My white friend doesn't believe there's such a thing (she's led a sheltered life....)


i went up to chicago during the summer, chilled at the park, and next thing you know im like "w..t..f...Awsome.."

in illinois the corn is awsome >.<

(i am salivating now that im thinking about it..) :blsmoke::blsmoke::peace:
My corn man puts mayo, parmisian cheese, and's BOMB....I love that man. Doesn't matter that he doesn't speak a word of English other than "One dollar"
My corn man puts mayo, parmisian cheese, and's BOMB....I love that man. Doesn't matter that he doesn't speak a word of English other than "One dollar"

if all im paying is 1 dallaro, then that is al-righto with me-o.

I spent my 4th of July with the corn man, we put this spinny rocket thing on a poll, and the guy goes..(IN the most mexican accent voice you can immagine!)


i was like 'hey hose_a(lol) a blunt in my hand.."

Cant wait to go up for this summer.. to visit my corn man.
hahaha... I know cuz... oh yeah.. I know cuz ALL I SEE ARE MEXICANS TRYING TO GET MY MONEY. Let me help you build a deck patio, buy my corn, my son died...

LOL I am totally joking haha
I could go for some white corn butter...........ARGG

time to put jose jalapeno on a stick!!! and make him sell us corn
(that the dice are loaded)

almost doesn't count (this is the contination of my last post, the first line in ()'s occured to me after I posted that...)
i'd probably spit out all the excess mayo.. I am a very picky eater... let's see.. not a fan of most meats... don't like steak, unless it's well done. like bacon and ground beef... like white meat chicken, thin-shaved turkey breast. NEVER HAD LOBSTER.. love most things deep fried. HATE SHREDDED BEEF, gets stuck between my teeth, reminded my of a bad experience going down on a chick... lol ok... I am done. need sleep.. imma hit a little more bud forst though
The Top 100 Things I'd Do
If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord

9. I will not include a self-destruct mechanism unless absolutely necessary. If it is necessary, it will not be a large red button labelled "Danger: Do Not Push". The big red button marked "Do Not Push" will instead trigger a spray of bullets on anyone stupid enough to disregard it. Similarly, the ON/OFF switch will not clearly be labelled as such.


Peter's Evil Overlord List
evil enough?? prob not, but I am tired and am going to smoke as we speak... gotta go outside into the 'shack' get my bong...
Good morning all....:) When I went to NY I saw some dude selling baked potato's
with peanut butter on them......I've tried chocolate coated ant's.....uggg!!!
I recently saw a program on Asia, the main refrain there is " four feet, good to eat " How's breakfast sounding now ?????
Well, I'm off to the bush today to prepare planting spots , I'll be back on when I return, tomorrow sometime,I can't leave the girls for much more than 24 hours or the dehumidifier overflows, which defeats the purpose doesn't it???:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


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