
Well-Known Member
Well yeah, lol, thanks Twisty, but I got that part man. If you click on someone's username it gives you a more detailed thing and you can follow it to this ranking thing....

But I want to know what the hell the points, like hoiw do you get points. It's a separate thing from rep obviously, so I'm wondering....FDD already has two awards next to his shit, lol
Thanks for the tip....there is an experience chart in the support thread...all the considered things...pic, post....etc


Well-Known Member
OMG, 40 I wish I could rep you for that!

And what do you mean your bar is bigger than mine? Both my red and green bars are bigger than yours....



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks for the tip....there is an experience chart in the support thread...all the considered things...pic, post....etc
Good chart, I am still trying to figure all this new stuff out. And where did all the links go from the top? :mrgreen::peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Your staff and you're asking about blind leading the blind... My hurts...........
Ha ha, I am no computer wizz myself, lol.

wow i just noticed that bout chiceh. did you become a mod chiceh, if so congratulations girl.:mrgreen:
Thanks Masta, I did become a mod so watch out, lol. j/k :mrgreen::peace:

Chiceh is staff now? :shock:

How cool! Congratulations, I will smoke a bowl in honor of this momentous occasion!
Hey Thanks Wikid, I'll have one 2! bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace: