Morning 40...that shit suck.. I saw this thing on the news where this deaf kid (8 yrs) had his coculear (sp) implant receiver stolen because it looked like a bluetooth device.. big diff.. bt...$100. implant $7,000 pricks

That's horrible! Jesus. I didn't see the story myself, but someone told me about some kid getting killed because he was deaf, and the fucking idiot gangsters thought he was throwing gang signs when he tried to sign to them.

Somethings really make you hate people.
Morning 40...that shit suck.. I saw this thing on the news where this deaf kid (8 yrs) had his coculear (sp) implant receiver stolen because it looked like a bluetooth device.. big diff.. bt...$100. implant $7,000 pricks

The other night three Mexican guys started fucking with my step dad on his way home from work at like 1 in the morning, asking him where he's from and what not.
He is obviously not a gangster (my step dad). I guess he noticed a cop nearby watching them, so when one of the guys came running at him, he dropped his back pack and backed away from it. The guy grabbed it up and went to run back to their car, but ran straight into the cop. All 3 of them were arrested for robbery.

This is the type of bullshit i can't stand, there's no need of it. Fuck i hate assholes like these. :evil:

On that note, good morning roll it up! :mrgreen:bongsmilie
yea well we deserve this today ,, I hope to see some killer cameltoes too
mmm...mmm...I love me some cameltoe....

That's horrible! Jesus. I didn't see the story myself, but someone told me about some kid getting killed because he was deaf, and the fucking idiot gangsters thought he was throwing gang signs when he tried to sign to them.

Somethings really make you hate people.

There is a huge rivalry between the bloods (people who were born disabled) and the crips (people who were crippled after birth). You don't want to get in the middle of that.
Thats what Im saying. These kids are morons. Why would you ride a bike that you stole thru the nieghborhood you stole it from?Its like they are asking for me to do something bad to them.

wtf is wrong with the world ... animals. just animals. Who raises these children to think it's okay to take things that aren't yours /and/ hurt other people in the process? makes me ill.
wtf is wrong with the world ... animals. just animals. Who raises these children to think it's okay to take things that aren't yours /and/ hurt other people in the process? makes me ill.
You know the world is wrong when you hear ten year old children qoting scarface and grand theft auto.
You know the world is wrong when you hear ten year old children qoting scarface and grand theft auto.

I know. My son's mom thinks it's okay for him to see shit like transformers at four, not to mention the other garbage he probably sees when he's with her. There's just no fucking discretion. What the hell are people thinking? Violence begets violence.
That's horrible! Jesus. I didn't see the story myself, but someone told me about some kid getting killed because he was deaf, and the fucking idiot gangsters thought he was throwing gang signs when he tried to sign to them.

Somethings really make you hate people.

You take away the guns and these gangsta types are dumb as dirt...

mmm...mmm...I love me some cameltoe....


Bet you wouldn't even touch the sides in that..... talk about a ex large pad. Must use a roll of paper towel for the thing with the string..

I like camel toes too, lol :mrgreen::peace:


Chiceh paint them red.... I like red.....:hump:

wtf is wrong with the world ... animals. just animals. Who raises these children to think it's okay to take things that aren't yours /and/ hurt other people in the process? makes me ill.

Bingo cees... Nobodies raising them...
You take away the guns and these gangsta types are dumb as dirt...

Bet you wouldn't even touch the sides in that..... talk about a ex large pad. Must use a roll of paper towel for the thing with the string..

Chiceh paint them red.... I like red.....:hump:

Bingo cees... Nobodies raising them...
that camel toe it is funny
woooooooooooooohooooooooooohhohhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo..............its friday people.........time to get soooooooooooooooo higggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I had an amazing day at the waterpark...Camelbeach Waterpark in the Poconos.... A free day at the park all because we Bought a Subaru. a few yrs ago .Yayyy it was free it was fun it was free food , drinks (soda's) and I managed to walk out with 11 tee shirts from subaru .. cool beans , Now im sitting here with sunburn and getting baked