Tokey Tokey Bear

Active Member
lol i just purely am... day and night... i smoke when i wake smoke all day and b4 i sleep... i got nothing to do no job waitin for school to start back up and just playing music and toking


Well-Known Member
Morning all...

I am honestly so stoned that I'm scared. either the bud I smoked was the best I've had or it was laced. I am thinking ten million and one thoughts at once and none of them make sense to me at all.
Anxiety weed, Had some a while ago..... I like sofa lock weed better...get way too jumpy..

you talk about sex SO MUCH. holy shit you are probably an expert
Pervert....................... :mrgreen:

If you keep a woman happy in the bedroom she will forget about what she was bitching about ... women LOVE attention . GIVE IT TO THEM.. take a solid 3 hrs and make them feel like melted butter when your done ..... They wont bitch as much... try it ....
I gave soooo much that when she walked away she left a trail like a slug.............

Sorry ladies....couldn't help myself.... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hillary was finishing up a day as Senator for New York when the Devil suddenly appeared in her office and made her an offer...

"I am here to offer you a deal," the Devil said. "I will give you unlimited wealth, even more power, and a media that will pander to your every whim. In return, all I ask for is your soul, the souls of every member of your family, and the souls of all your constituents."

Hillary pondered for a moment and then asked, "Unlimited wealth and power?"

"Absolutely unlimited," the Devil asserted.

"A pandering media?" she asked.

"They'll fall over themselves to support you, no matter what you say or do," the Devil assured.

"And you want my soul, my family's souls, and the souls of my constituents?" she asked.

"Yes. All of them," the Devil answered.

Hillary was deep in thought for a moment, then finally spoke:

"So...what's the catch?"

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
popcorn... beer.... popcorn.. beer....

ran .7 miles down hill today.... took me 5 minutes.. super scary... SUPER DUPER... steep hill.. and then turned around and booked up to the top... total time... 14 minutes.... 1.4 miles...

last time I ran the hill, it took 24 minutes...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the only time I'm gonna run is If there's something scary chasing me.
popcorn... beer.... popcorn.. beer....

ran .7 miles down hill today.... took me 5 minutes.. super scary... SUPER DUPER... steep hill.. and then turned around and booked up to the top... total time... 14 minutes.... 1.4 miles...

last time I ran the hill, it took 24 minutes...


Well-Known Member
I had a dream that two people were chasing me right after I got done at the dentist....when I got under a street light, I turned and smiled, and my gleaming white teeth scared them off.I'm a nut.
wow not thats a freakin dream lol
like a new toothpaste commercial....