I'm whiped the fuck out. Loooong day. Fun though. Got a little too high
i didnt know that too high was possible
im waiting for my dude to call me
so we can go pick up a blunt and smoke out
if he dont call me imma be pissed cause this fucker made me go buy a wrap already :evil:
too high!
i am waiting for some weed.
just finished the last of some cali outdoor blueberry.

what have you been smoking wikid?

Smoking bubba kush with OG kush kief and hash. Smoked a few bowls with hash balls in the middle, a few covered in kief, and then finally just a straight hash bowl. I was so high I wasn't sure I'd be able to get back down....

damnit! my hairdresser just bailed on me cause she was at disneyland all day. now I STILL don't get to break in my bubber!

You're female right?

i didnt know that too high was possible
im waiting for my dude to call me
so we can go pick up a blunt and smoke out
if he dont call me imma be pissed cause this fucker made me go buy a wrap already :evil:

It's possible. A blackhole rips open in the center of the's crazy, ask ALX
of course i would rep you.
but i have given you too much recently!
i'm not sorry at all!

thanks for another 20+ points!
i will have know young lady...that ugly ass bong has served me welll....are you saying you don't want to smoke out of my ugly assed bong????