this is a dumb question and of course it doeswhen a tree fall in the woods and no one it around to hear it dose it make a sound?
to make more moneyok then...y do they make hotdogs in packs of 10 and hotdog bun in packs of 8 hmmmm?
it doesnt its in the washer under the spinning thingwhy dose 1 sock always disappear in the dryer?
mybe we are all just govt consipirasieslol...once u see the unseen u will understand its all a F**kin gov't conspiracy
are u kidding u and bookworm are the biggest suspectsno not bookworm..Kant b kould b not me
why me?
what did I do to deserve suspicion?
I got rid of an aquarium in my room, which opened up a window that I can now use to get in and out of my room easily and stealthily!
you were aroundwhy me?
what did I do to deserve suspicion?
yes yesplasma, that's simply because until I move up to college on the 18th I live with my parents, at home, who do not want me out of the house past 10pm without their knowledge. sometimes I'd just rather let them sleep.
drobros reasoning is much more similar to mine.
Why do you deserve suspicion? Because you type things like this:
Can you say heat score?
you were around
drobro, are you growing right now?yes yes
that is why...
plasma, that's simply because until I move up to college on the 18th I live with my parents, at home, who do not want me out of the house past 10pm without their knowledge. sometimes I'd just rather let them sleep.