oh wow! thats cool! how do you even cross breed it anyways? i'm not gonna do that for a long time, but i'm curious.
to crossbreed u just need 1 male and as many female plants that u wanna jew "grow with seeds"
for an example if u have a white widow male,
and a power plant female..
you just keep the 2 plants together in the same room.
with a fan of somew sort blowing on both plants..
sooner or later the pollen sack from the ww male will open up and dispurse pollen around the whole room and all over ur power plant female..
while the power plant is in flowering process it will produce seeds that will contain the jeans of white widow/power plant!

that is what i know of cross breeding..im sure theres many other ways!..ive once read that some growers will collect the pollen sacks and jew there plants themself!...when i say jew the plant...i pretty much mean dump the pollen on the female plants!
anyone please feel free to correct me if im wrong!