
Well-Known Member
Morning all.... still dying from plague....sniff....sniff...

Oh, ok, since ya twisted my arm.
Or since you armed my twisty...... :eyesmoke:

heres a funny email my dad sent me { Since turning 50, it seems my warranty has expired on this old body of mine.
Had a minor medical problem so my doctor referred me to a female Urologist.
I went to see her yesterday and she is about 32 years old, absolutely gorgeous and unbelievably sexy.
The first thing she told me is that I have to immediately stop masturbating.
When I asked her why, she said, "Because.....I am trying to examine you"}:mrgreen:
I'ts not that funny..I got a female Urologist once..same shit !! What is it a pre req. to be pretty.. ?? When she said "turn your head and cough".... I almost said "close your eyes and swallow..... :eyesmoke:

I got the munchies.
Must be from all those mega posts you're writing....... Hey Manny :blsmoke:

Sounds like we need to get a conference center rather than a room....

Anybody want a bonghit?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Can you reuse the soil that were in the pots that were harvested, or should I chuck it in the compost pile ? or mix it in with my veggie garden soil? any Idea's


Well-Known Member
Can you reuse the soil that were in the pots that were harvested, or should I chuck it in the compost pile ? or mix it in with my veggie garden soil? any Idea's
Scrap... I'd think there might be too much salt buildup, possible fungus..etc... maybe not..but dirt is cheap.....


Well-Known Member
Scrap... I'd think there might be too much salt buildup, possible fungus..etc... maybe not..but dirt is cheap.....

really ???? so just throw it in the woods ,, It has NO Use anymore ? 1 grow and done ? my grandfather has been growing in the same outside dirt for 50 yrs ..


Well-Known Member
really ???? so just throw it in the woods ,, It has NO Use anymore ? 1 grow and done ? my grandfather has been growing in the same outside dirt for 50 yrs ..

lol all that marijuana soil hah. i wish i lived by woods. GOD i went to these woods, almost a forest, in illinois right???? fuckin, i was this little ten year old who almost swore she was in alice and wonderland. Marijuana plants EVERYWHERE and these HUGE shrooms that were half way up to my body. that shit was sweet. lol i was with my 15 year old cousin at the time who grew that marijuana in this fucking place no one went too. i wish i could go back!!!


Well-Known Member
ALX!!!!! *tackles you and smothers you with love* Yes, it HAS been a while. Or it seems like it anways :grin:

Yes, sherlocks are the shit, I got two in the last two weeks, lol.

What plants did you get?
i dont know what they are. indaca dom. hybrids probably. i will try and get some pics up but i am busy as a mutha fucka.


Well-Known Member
really ???? so just throw it in the woods ,, It has NO Use anymore ? 1 grow and done ? my grandfather has been growing in the same outside dirt for 50 yrs ..
Might be fine for topsoil in garden or stuff..I just wouldn't use it for any "production" plant... plus nature fixes its own I guess... If I get any can bury me in it .........