
Well-Known Member
So, a dentist wants to tell a little old lady a joke to make her feel comfortable before her root canal.

He says "do you know how they make these rubber gloves" as he puts them on.

The lady says "no, i don't"

He replies "there's a warehouse in Canada where there's a big tank of latex, and workers dip their hands in the giant vat, and peel them off and put them in the right box acording to size."

The little lady doesn't even crack a smile.

A few minutes later, as the denist is about to start drilling, the lady bursts out in laughter.

The denist jumps back and asks wtf???

The little old lady says with a mouthful of gauze "I was just imagining how condoms were made!":mrgreen:

Ever heard that one? I heard the armless, legless, getting fucked back in gradeschool :roll:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hey dro! How've you been sir?
ive been alright
had alot of ups
a few downs
mostly alright
my mom!!!!i love her!!!!shes ridiculous!!!
she wants to smoke with me i think and shes talking my dad into letting me smoke in the house!
which will be very nice cause there will be no more drug charges for ME!
been drunk alot lately
like alot
like today was my first sober day in a while
i argue with my parents alot cause they really want me to get a lawyer
but that costs money
money i dont have
so ya pretty good though