Morning all................................

fuck that jail bullshit...I had to do 3 days and 3 nights for street racing. I will do whatever is necessary to stay out of jail.

That was my longest stint too...... in 43 years of smoking I got caught once with 3 grams.... and after hitting a police van head on 7 grams of morphine and 50 phenobarbitol.... the 3 days weren't for dope.. they were for kicking a cop in the balls after he pulled my hair in a traffic stop..:shock:. the pot got me $0 fine and the morphine & accident cost me $100.00.........

You serving it with syrup or Jelly ?

Morning gang...

Hi lads............ :joint:
Last week I had a ton of yard work to be done. I knew I could not do it all myself so I put an ad on Craigslist. I did it the morning I was working and I put my address down and told them the first 2 that got here would work all day, guaranteed 8 hours at $15 an hour. I had 5 people show up, I was surprised. It really helped me getting so much done...I fed them lunch, gave them plenty of water and paid them...Everyone was happy.
Last week I had a ton of yard work to be done. I knew I could not do it all myself so I put an ad on Craigslist. I did it the morning I was working and I put my address down and told them the first 2 that got here would work all day, guaranteed 8 hours at $15 an hour. I had 5 people show up, I was surprised. It really helped me getting so much done...I fed them lunch, gave them plenty of water and paid them...Everyone was happy.

Thats how Twisty gets his girlfriends .. But he pay's by the minute ....:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
The gardens are my oasis and seeing so much green bursting forth makes me long for native soil beneath my nails... Still too early here in RI, but I could begin clean-up, plant some bushes, divide some perennials...

Mornin' Sunny! :hug:
workin the craigs list way to go sunny
I have worked it before, I find the trick is to place your ad the DAY you want help. If you do it a few days in advance, no one shows up! I am done putting ads up for free stuff though, the last time I placed a free ad for baby formula, they came and took my front porch furniture set and left the formula, D'oh!

Mornin Ekimri! :hug:
Thats how Twisty gets his girlfriends .. But he pay's by the minute ....:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Vette got taken to court by a "Lady of the evening"... "He owes me money your honor" she said....... So sir what do you have to say for yourself... the judge asks...
"well I was with a girl that charges $5.00 an I'm doing the deed and her little son runs into the room and steps on my ass...
running the bill up to $20.00... I only brought $10.00..:hump:

hiding in my grow room:clap:

Manny.... Good to see you.... damn....

I hope alls well.......
glad you're back.....



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Morning all................................

That was my longest stint too...... in 43 years of smoking I got caught once with 3 grams.... and after hitting a police van head on 7 grams of morphine and 50 phenobarbitol.... the 3 days weren't for dope.. they were for kicking a cop in the balls after he pulled my hair in a traffic stop..:shock:. the pot got me $0 fine and the morphine & accident cost me $100.00.........

Hi lads............ :joint:

Wait!!!! i just woke up and realized its friday?!?!? wtf?? ive been high all week long...anyways i have a question when packing a bowl is it ok to take a nug or a piece of a nig and just stuff it and smoke?? is there a special to load a bowl?