Well-Known Member
Yeah 40 we'll get ripped and sample the hell out of each others crops.We can take gravity bong hits until you forget wher eyou are.

Welcome to RIU ljc, thanks for stopping by my journal.Old fart indeed!! I'm 57 and have been toking a decade longer than you - so there! Actually, I've got to start figuring out how to use, so I thought I'd begin - at the beginning.
I've got a few Green Crack seeds I got with an 1/8th last month and I've also got a couple of "sentimental" seeds from years ago. (If you've got any thoughts on old, old seeds....)
I'm also using a vaporizer and am amazed how quickly and well my lungs cleared up!
Enough of an intro - I'm going to give your thread a good read before I bother you with inane questions.
have a good 'un
I want to get one of those vaporizers myself, I keep hearing great things about them.
As far as old seeds they are great if they sprout.
I'll do what I can to answer your questions you old fart

I watered using them last night and didn't notice any strong odor at all, sticky hands afterwards though. But thanks for the warning, I'm glad they weren' bigguy hold your breath when you open those premade watering containers.(with molasses) they are sure to reek.

Well yeah, you're leaving tommorrow aren't you?Hey man sorry i havent been on top of things recently! Been really busy! Hope all is well, the girls are looking great! Not too long now!! Shame about the male! But it was to be expected! Just hope the m/f ratio stays in your favor! Keep up the good work my friend!
Cheers once again for stopping by, have a great vacation, and happy growing.

Thanks herbtoker, I'm glad I started when I did too.damn bigguy... you make me jealous. wish i would have started when you did! they look great!
hows the bugs (the ones eating the plants, not the mosquitoes)? mine still are munchin away... cant figure anything out.
sorry to hear about the male... but lets hope that hes one of only a few.
did you have any feminized seeds or were they all just normal?
The bugs are still munching some, but at the moment they don't seem to be a big issue.
Yes, the Black Rose seeds were feminized.
Yeah, what he saidWelcome to RUI, Ljc!

Well I had a little disapointment last night when I found WR6 growing balls.
So with K5 that makes 2 so far, and thats still a really good ratio.
It was a hard thing to do when I had to yank them out, but damn did they have some roots too.
They got their first tastse of molasses in the water last night along w/ bloom nutes, well see how they and the bugs like it and go from there.
Here are some pics of the 2 boys before and WR6 after I pulled them out and close-ups of K1 & K7's preflowers as well as pics of all the LR's.

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