
ky man

Well-Known Member
I planted 13 beans and every one came up.It dos not get no beater then that.PURPLE VOODOO F3..if I spelled it rite.Bigworm6969 beans grow easey its like there on streods.. I planted other strains of yours and had 100 percent germ rate out of 5 different strains plus I let a friend have 2 packs so that made 7 packs.It is hard to belive but every dam bean is

ky man

Well-Known Member
I planted 13 beans and every one came up.It dos not get no beater then that.PURPLE VOODOO F3..if I spelled it rite.Bigworm6969 beans grow easey its like there on streods.. I planted other strains of yours and had 100 percent germ rate out of 5 different strains plus I let a friend have 2 packs so that made 7 packs.It is hard to belive but every dam bean is
I must of counted the seed wrong for there is 14 of them purple voodoo f3...MOST OF THEM LOOK PURPLE SOON AS THEY CAME OUT OF THE GROUND.i HOPE THEY ALL GROW PURPLE LIKE THEY ARE NOW at one inch

ky man

Well-Known Member
I planted 13 beans and every one came up.It dos not get no beater then that.PURPLE VOODOO F3..if I spelled it rite.Bigworm6969 beans grow easey its like there on streods.. I planted other strains of yours and had 100 percent germ rate out of 5 different strains plus I let a friend have 2 packs so that made 7 packs.It is hard to belive but every dam bean is
purple voodoo f3 I was wrong again I have 19 of them up.i had to mis count them when I planted them.any way they are doing great.


Well-Known Member
Alright, worm -- you got me intrigued so I am on board with a pack of Prime Crystal. It came with a free pack of the "DPD Testers". What exactly is that? Is it TGA's DPD mixed with something else? Im tempted to grow the testers first lol, but wont have the room till around Fall. My basement room is great for bringing out all the purples in plants during the cold seasons.


Well-Known Member
Really want to try some bigworm gear. I can only buy 1 pack. Place i'm ordering from has Blue Twizzler, Forbidden Space Fruit, Gorilla Spirit, Prime Crystal and Prime Moonshine. Based on what I've read on this thread, I'm leaning towards PMS. Can anyone share on which one of these strains packs the best punch? Just gave GG# her last run(hint as to the potency im looking for lol). Doing drip in rockwool,sog using 600w Hps for flower and a 216w t5 for veg , GH nutes . Any help is appreciated. Thanks