hey folks heres a quick little update so far so good I got seeded up
rude boi og x mint chocolate chip
rude boi og x blackcherry dojo f2
97 bluemoonshine x purple northern lights #5 f2
blackcherry dojo f3
double purple dojo f3
97 bluemoonshine x purple northern lights #5 x mint chocolate chip
buckeye purple x double purple dojo f2
purple urkle x stardawg x blackcherry dojo f2
blackcherry matter x stardawg
they will be done in 2 weeks so it wont be long
and comeing up this week
chernoble x blackcherry dojo f2
blackcherrykush x 97 bluemoonshine x purple northern lights #5
purple honey x 97 bluemoonshine x purple northern lights #5
97blue moonshine x purple northern lights#5 x blackcherry dojo f2
thanks for hanging in there with me, this upcomeing year is gonna be epic got over four times as much room to work with so im going to go hard, pretty much the next round im going back and working the older strains and bring them back