Bill Blair Praises LP's

unfortunately, this is exactly how it will go...lps are in the best position to provide for the rec market and hey, LPs did spend those multimillions on facilities to grow for medical patients, I mean clients....but the majority are not med users and everybody knows this....who can grow it will only be one part of the control...and the BM goes on.....people hate paying taxes.....and Bob down the street will probably have better shit anyway...
If the rec market is $10B.
How much would real patient MMAR $$ be? Enough for the big boys to worry?
It's so so so SIMPLE.....just nobody buy...and it's over.
Fuck if the sheeple would have just would be already evident that we don't want the LP system.
Fuck I don't shop at stores I dislike...why is this so hard for the sheeple
It's's tax money...the eye is on the big prize now....
man o man.
Can we convince them the real MMAR will be small, not enough to worry about? For corps or taxes?
Cause the rec market is 100x bigger?
Legal experts have said that in the absence of a new law, the Supreme Court ruling will become the law of the land.