Bill Introduced to Legalize Marijuana on Federal Level!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I can only pray that this is real and that they have support.

If it's real ALL OF US will need to write our senators and offer our support for the bill.


Active Member
Bill H.R. 1831

Someone pointed out on another thread that it is for the legalization of commercial hemp. Not the stuff we smoke. But each little step is in the right direction. I emailed my reps and sens.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
I got an alert from MPP yesterday,its to let states regulate there on marijauna for sick people.Its basicly says the feds will only work on smugglers and large illegall grows and get out of the despencery bashing and going after sick patients and there suppliers


Well-Known Member
Feds Threaten to Extinguish California's Pot Boom

This news came in 2 days ago and a must read.

"Benjamin Wagner, the US Attorney for California's Eastern District, says the Justice Department will enforce federal law.
"We've met with the DEA in this regard. People from Washington have been out to California to coordinate a statewide enforcement strategy," Wagner said."
"But Justice Department officials are saying the exemption only applies to seriously-ill people, not commercial growers and not medical marijuana distribution outlets."

This means dispensaries!

"owner Steve Deangelo says Harborside is turning over millions of dollars in sales each month. Still, he says, medical marijuana remains a risky business. "Until federal law changes, this is not an industry, it's a movement. And anybody who gets involved in distributing medical cannabis has to be prepared to be arrested and have a monumental challenge on your hands," said Deangelo."
"You want to try to start an industry and then you have the IRS working against you, the federal government working against you -- you've got a real problem," said Wilcox. "So the problem is if you don't grow this industry what happens is that it remains a black-market industry, and it's always going to be that way."



Active Member
My bad guys and gals, its H.B. 2306. The other one is for legalizing commercial hemp, but this one is for ending marijuana prohibition.


New Member
I hope dispensaries go out.. I would love to see care givers and patients only. Ever since dispensaries started popping up nothing but arrests and bad news towards the medicine we love. It's not the fact its the store front for weed, its the owners and workers bending and contorting laws and non-existing ones that are ruining it. Until they stop the stupid crap, the MMJ laws will be going backwards instead of forward.


Active Member
You too Winter Woman. You are doing a lot for us by keeping us informed. Keep up the good work. Hopefully this long overdue repeal of marijuana prohibition will justly end. I would give you another rep, but it says I have to spread it around some more. So I'm gonna go "Spread the Love"-StinkBud


Well-Known Member
I hope dispensaries go out.. I would love to see care givers and patients only. Ever since dispensaries started popping up nothing but arrests and bad news towards the medicine we love. It's not the fact its the store front for weed, its the owners and workers bending and contorting laws and non-existing ones that are ruining it. Until they stop the stupid crap, the MMJ laws will be going backwards instead of forward.
I'm with you on this one.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Just emailed both Levin and Stabenow. I'm going to follow up with a letter.

I don't know if it is true or not, but they say a letter has more weight than an email. They say it takes more effort and that means people are excited and paying attention.