bill o'reilly is the new brian williams


If Bill would change his opinion on weed then he probably would make a good president . imo
If he lies like this:
"I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the war on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." -Bill

-It was a protest he was covering, he claims it was a war zone

-Buenos Ares is about 1,200 miles away from the Falkland Islands

-Buenos Ares was DEFINATELY not a war zone

-The purpose of the protest was against the military junta for surrendering, the conflict all firing had ceased well before

-Argentina didn't allow ANY journalists onto the islands during the conflict, every news agency that wasn't BBC was not allowed access. BBC journalists had to gain access with the Brits, through military escort.

-The CBS news team that Bill worked for has no record of any injuries, journalists from all agency's do not recall such injuries anywhere.

"Here in the United States we would use tear gas and rubber bullets. They were using real bullets. They were just gunning these people down, shooting them down in the street." -Bill

-No reports from government agencies in Argentina or the U.S. have record of any deaths during the protest.

-No reports from journalists who covered the protest, the report Bill was involved in would have run that footage and reported deaths, it does not.

Fuck no, I don't even want him managing a photo hut.
If he lies like this:
"I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the war on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." -Bill

-It was a protest he was covering, he claims it was a war zone

-Buenos Ares is about 1,200 miles away from the Falkland Islands

-Buenos Ares was DEFINATELY not a war zone

-The purpose of the protest was against the military junta for surrendering, the conflict all firing had ceased well before

-Argentina didn't allow ANY journalists onto the islands during the conflict, every news agency that wasn't BBC was not allowed access. BBC journalists had to gain access with the Brits, through military escort.

-The CBS news team that Bill worked for has no record of any injuries, journalists from all agency's do not recall such injuries anywhere.

"Here in the United States we would use tear gas and rubber bullets. They were using real bullets. They were just gunning these people down, shooting them down in the street." -Bill

-No reports from government agencies in Argentina or the U.S. have record of any deaths during the protest.

-No reports from journalists who covered the protest, the report Bill was involved in would have run that footage and reported deaths, it does not.

Fuck no, I don't even want him managing a photo hut.

Do photo huts even exist anymore?

I'd post more of Bill-O but it simply makes me sick to my stomach to watch that pile of shit.

I would LOOOOOVE to go on his show and have him wave his finger in front of me. I'd break that fucking thing right off.
I would ask him if I could smell it.
If he lies like this:
"I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the war on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." -Bill

-It was a protest he was covering, he claims it was a war zone

-Buenos Ares is about 1,200 miles away from the Falkland Islands

-Buenos Ares was DEFINATELY not a war zone

-The purpose of the protest was against the military junta for surrendering, the conflict all firing had ceased well before

-Argentina didn't allow ANY journalists onto the islands during the conflict, every news agency that wasn't BBC was not allowed access. BBC journalists had to gain access with the Brits, through military escort.

-The CBS news team that Bill worked for has no record of any injuries, journalists from all agency's do not recall such injuries anywhere.

"Here in the United States we would use tear gas and rubber bullets. They were using real bullets. They were just gunning these people down, shooting them down in the street." -Bill

-No reports from government agencies in Argentina or the U.S. have record of any deaths during the protest.

-No reports from journalists who covered the protest, the report Bill was involved in would have run that footage and reported deaths, it does not.

Fuck no, I don't even want him managing a photo hut.

When that war started I was leaving the oregon coast and headed for midway island tuna fishing back in april of 82. We had no news or radio for weeks. Then around the first part of june we anchored up by an island called Kure Atoll, and it was a coast guard loran station at the time and they had the news on a teletype and it sounded like the shit was hitting the fan. We were gone for about 72 days and when we got back to oregon the war was over.

I guess bill got caught up in the hype. Right now the only news I get is on the internet and here at RIU so I don't keep up with it like back on the main land so thats the first I heard of bill being in a war zone dodging bullets or what ever he was doing.

You can relax about bill running for any political position, nowadays some one would have to be off there rocker to want to run for office in my opinion.
Bill O' needs to go back to jacking off in the shower while stalking woman, he is an unhappy, grumpy, whiny, shallow pond individuals wet dream. I always figured his show entertained a big group of old white folk back slapping each other in a big circle jerk about how much harder (whine whine) they have had it, and tougher they are, and shout that others are not. Me thinks they just have bigger mouths. c. He is a con man in all ways. Pathetic really that some believe he would make a good leader. Explains much about current right.

Yeah, because you offer so much more.
I can tell you've only ever sat back and enjoyed the freedom provided to you by others.

I have a problem with this statement. It says one of two things, either you:

Have not served yourself and therefore are a hypocrite, OR

Have served and are simply rubbing it peoples' face that you have served and therefore they should be benevolent to you, which is neither honorable or dignified.

In either case, you are being disrespectful to both him and the people who serve.

So which is it?
I have a problem with this statement. It says one of two things, either you:

Have not served yourself and therefore are a hypocrite, OR

Have served and are simply rubbing it peoples' face that you have served and therefore they should be benevolent to you, which is neither honorable or dignified.

In either case, you are being disrespectful to both him and the people who serve.

So which is it?
I think he has served...Combo meals super sized.
I have a problem with this statement. It says one of two things, either you:

Have not served yourself and therefore are a hypocrite, OR

Have served and are simply rubbing it peoples' face that you have served and therefore they should be benevolent to you, which is neither honorable or dignified.

In either case, you are being disrespectful to both him and the people who serve.

So which is it?

Oh, a hand puppet.
So I was correct then. Sit back and flaps your gums only behind the computer screen. No contribution to society except 30,00 posts. Bet you didn't play any sports either. Yea, keep doling out advice via the internet because nobody takes you seriously in person.

"You can be anything you want on the internet, son and nobody will know the difference"- Bucks mother
Because playing a sport makes all the difference? Straighten up your priorities.
So I was correct then. Sit back and flaps your gums only behind the computer screen. No contribution to society except 30,00 posts. Bet you didn't play any sports either. Yea, keep doling out advice via the internet because nobody takes you seriously in person.

"You can be anything you want on the internet, son and nobody will know the difference"- Bucks mother

How obvious of a sad sock puppet could you possibly be? You joined 3 days ago, have 23 posts, nearly 50% of which you are trolling.

Such a sad sad puppet.


I'm excited for the witty comeback you will have for me. Make it good!
So I was correct then. Sit back and flaps your gums only behind the computer screen. No contribution to society except 30,00 posts. Bet you didn't play any sports either. Yea, keep doling out advice via the internet because nobody takes you seriously in person.

"You can be anything you want on the internet, son and nobody will know the difference"- Bucks mother

i'm actually quite proficient at golf. so there.