Bill Shuttee protest


New Member
Nov 30th at the park place in traverse city Bill Shuttee will be talking with the leo at a closed to the public meeting.From what I hear its a how to bust compassion clubs, collectives, patients and caregivers meeting. This goes against everything the voters have done. There will be a protest at 12:00 pm in front of the park place hotel in Traverse city 300 East State Street Traverse City, MI 49684

(231) 946-5000all of Michigan is welcome. Bring your signs folks no blazin up lets do the rite thing and be responsible. Someone will be emailing the phone number to Shuttees office. You can try to get into the meeting. I doubt they will let just anyone in but if you say something like I want to hear the man speak he seems like a great guy you might get in. I will not be sitting in room full of cops Ill be out side.


New Member
ok the protest is at the park place from 8am to 1:30 pm because that is when bill shitty will be there.normal is on board mmma is on board a buss from the up. is coming down.I still haven't got the number to get into he meeting.This thing is getting big.


New Member
some info on bill shuttee.Why is Schuette so obsessed? Perhaps the real reason is to prevent industrial uses of the hemp plant, from which marijuana is derived, from competing with products of the Dow Chemical Company, in which Schuette's family has a large financial stake, while producing top executives. Schuette's stepfather, Carl Gerstacker, was a Dow CEO, and his father, William Schuette, Sr., was in line to become CEO when he died of a heart attack in 1959. The Schuette family's Dow-based wealth has helped to bankroll a long political career that began in 1984, when he was elected to Congress at 31.

Dishonestly demonizing the use of marijuana, which is for the most part benign, as a cover for crushing potential competition from industrial hemp, is nothing new. Back in the 1930s, one of the most successful campaigns that resulted in the 1937 federal marijuana prohibition was run by newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who used his newspaper chain to spread lies about alleged harmful effects of marijuana. But Hearst's real concern was that using hemp fiber to produce paper pulp for newspapers would cut into his own paper pulp business derived from extensive timber holdings. At the same time, the DuPont family and financier Andrew Mellon wanted marijuana banned to prevent hemp fiber from competing with DuPont's nylon.

So it is with Dow today. Industrial uses of hemp include plastics, water purification and weed control that could compete with Dow products and perhaps cause its business to decline, costing the Schuette family a lot of money. As such, Schuette, who led the failed campaign against Proposal 1 in 2008, is now doing all he can to undermine medical marijuana, interpreting the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act as narrowly as possible. After all, if medical marijuana were to become solidly established as a legal business in Michigan, there would be no excuse not to allow industrial hemp, which has a THC level too low for recreational use.

So the next time you hear Schuette, a hypocrite who has admitted smoking marijuana in college, dishonestly attack medical marijuana, understand that he isn't out to protect the public. He's just in it for the money."


New Member
I think I have found the answer we all have been looking for. Why does Bill Schuette have so much hate for medical marijuana? After looking at who made large donations to his campaign in 2010,I think I have found the answer. Alcohol distributors,medical offices/organizations,and drugmakers contributed over $100,000 to his campaign. Pfizer,the largest drugmaker in the world,was a large contributor. Several alcohol distributors across the state donated to Schuette’s campaign.

In June of 2011,the Michigan Liquor Control Commission announced that alcohol sales were down 20%! An all time low since the days of prohibition. Is this because people have found peace smoking a harmless plant? Or is it Michigan’s terrible economy and all time high unemployment rate? Then you have Pfizer,the world’s largest drugmaker,making large contributions to Schuette’s campaign. Pfizer’s sales are at an all time low in 50 years. On January 28,2011,Pfizer was ordered to pay $ 142.1 million in damages for illegally promoting Neurontin for unapproved uses. The epilepsy drug,according to the judgment,was promoted for off-label use to help with migraines and bipolar disorder. The company currently faces 300 other lawsuits for illegal promotion of this drug. And this is not a crime?!!! But buying or selling a natural medicine is considered illegal…How many pockets in congress does Pfizer have their hands in? The biggest question of all. How much did Pfizer pay our attorney general?? How much did the alcohol distributors cough up?

Regardless of what you point the finger at,medical marijuana should not be in the spotlight during such poor economical times. Medical marijuana has brought several new businesses and job opportunities into Michigan. It has given alot of people hope of rebuilding this poor economy. Michigan had three cities out of the top five most dangerous cities in America for 2010! Forbes reported Detroit is one of the most,historically violent cities in the United States. Why doesn’t our attorney general focus on something like this? At least try to act like you care about the people of Michigan! Why does it involve money every time a politician is caught in the wrong? Why is this not a crime? We,the American people need to stand up for what is right and show we are not going to sit back and let this happen!


Well-Known Member
Why does it involve money every time a politician is caught in the wrong?
Because in our apathetic society the person with the most money usually wins. They get the most money by representing the opinion of whoever pays the most. As long as money controls elections we're f'd.


New Member
Its over. We had a few guys from the inside tape the conversation. As soon as I hear what happened in the meeting ill post the info.