

Well-Known Member
If someone were to offer you a job, saying that they would supply all the equipment -- All the lights, Co2, fans, cooling, with like prototype cannabis alien technology okay -- and offer infinite space to grow in.. As in they own like a global shipping company and have thousands of huge 15 x 10 storage units, but say that you may only keep 5% of the yield but you could grow 350,000 plants if you wanted and could like sell back your yield to the company for a reduced price or something

Would ya do it? Theorically speaking of course.
I don't know, the prototype alien cannabis technology sounds tempting, maybe it could be used to shield your grow op? Can't be busted if they don't know it exists due to the cloaking. And if you are, do *you* want to be the first to walk through the energy shield and lasers? =P
Are you fukin kidding me,do you want to end up in federal court & be prosecuted as the next pablo escabar?

Listen up here,breaking the law is one thing but if your thinking about doing it to the degree where you can & will get life in prison you'd damm well better be getting a big enough pay day to move to the Bahamas & be sipping mixed drinks for the rest of your life.Your cut would be 1/4 mil tops,is that worth the rest of your life ?

There is a reason your being asked to do this,does the term "scape goat" mean anything to you ?
350,000 plants - say a square foot per plant - that works out to be about 66 square miles.... where would this grow op be and would you be building your own power plant for the lighting (or would this be an outdoor grow)?
you know the people who own marlbero cigaretts own thousands of acers of prime farmland that they have been preping specificaly for weed?...

i would do it in a second...people with that kind of money and power could very easily be a protected section of the government, if you went down then they would go down...they know they would either have your back all the way...or they would just off you when things got bad...either way it's better than living the boaring minimum wage, piss poor living in the getto life that i have...
350,000 plants - say a square foot per plant - that works out to be about 66 square miles.... where would this grow op be and would you be building your own power plant for the lighting (or would this be an outdoor grow)?
How many would it be in sog?
If someone were to offer you a job, saying that they would supply all the equipment -- All the lights, Co2, fans, cooling, with like prototype cannabis alien technology okay -- and offer infinite space to grow in.. As in they own like a global shipping company and have thousands of huge 15 x 10 storage units, but say that you may only keep 5% of the yield but you could grow 350,000 plants if you wanted and could like sell back your yield to the company for a reduced price or something

Would ya do it? Theorically speaking of course.

Remember the saying "if it sounds too good to be true then it IS!"

Run like hell.... away from this offer

hmm i like the private island idea:) thats something i always wanted a tropical isle to grow tropical bud:) hell yeah;) laying in hammock all day nothin to do but water the plants and smoke some killer chronic. hey all lets all invest in this idea.
Id do it, but I woudl need a decent sized paycheck to do it ontop of the 5%. Also money put aside for all legal fees I may have to pay. that many plants is not a 1 man operation either -- and teh power alone to run that many lights if indoors... ouch -- but you said it was all paid for :p.

Outdoors is another slew of issues -- even a private island --

but if I was offered and all the ducks were in order I would.
I'd have to know way more about what the deal was, know everyone involved, get paid a ton of money, and make sure my ass was covered if shit hit the fan..... which isn't very likely in an op that big.