BioBizz All Mix


Well-Known Member
All-Mix was developed especially to be the best potting soil for organic cultivation. It consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality organic worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix. Watering is sufficient for plant growth, however, Fish-Mix and Alg-A-Mic may be used during the growth phase as added stimulants.

For exuberant blooms and fruits, Bio-Bloom, in conjunction with TopMax can also be used.

Anyone used this?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
no but it looks nice. I am using ocean forest, light warrior, perlite, and dolomite lime.

I am using bio bizz grow and bloom. I am wondering about theri feed schedule, I think it says to use both at the same time. Any taker there.

by the way i just found bio bizz, it looks like they got good stuff. oyu should go look at organic section, they got good stuff.


Well-Known Member
definitely gonna use the BioBizz line for my next grow, and perhaps Phiranna from Advanced Nutrients.

Found this feeding chart somewhere on this site. Hope it helps!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that hopefully this soil should be ok.
If my local grow shop had that soil in stock, I'd be using it.

But instead i'll just use the same soil mix i'm using and add the BioBizz pre-mix if I can find it, or something similar from Advanced Nutrients.