Biodynamic Sowing and Planting by the Moon

Good Point Bro....
Got to think about that...

Closer to Steiner is always good.
You are right on maria thun she influenced a lot and some see her as the Guru but the Guru was Steiner.

Have you read the Seminar documents from the Seminar he gave for farmers?

Man I envy the guy for his Senses and his understanding about the micro/macro link in nature in corelation with the Planetary system.
The greater understanding.of nature and the mechanisms behind all that.

I bought the book because I was listening to the free audio on and felt guilty. I should open the book.
I bought the book because I was listening to the free audio on and felt guilty. I should open the book.
Thank you 1000 times for the link!

The access he got to all that is soooo .... cant find a word for it... deep?

Farmers should rethink their techniques in my country.
Monsanto Roundup & Co. and stuff like that killed big parts of the Insect populatio. That Fucked up the foodchain.
Bees are fucked. Birds are fucked.
Some species are nearly gone. Its a shame.
If I buy grapes this winter and washed them and rubbed them they had a pure sulfur smell to them. Thats what they use to fight powdery mildew. And we eat that crap.

Had very lil yield from my apple trees thus Season because of all that.

They all should go back to the roots more even if the market put them under pressure.

Thank you 1000 times for the link!

The access he got to all that is soooo .... cant find a word for it... deep?

Farmers should rethink their techniques in my country.
Monsanto Roundup & Co. and stuff like that killed big parts of the Insect populatio. That Fucked up the foodchain.
Bees are fucked. Birds are fucked.
Some species are nearly gone. Its a shame.
If I buy grapes this winter and washed them and rubbed them they had a pure sulfur smell to them. Thats what they use to fight powdery mildew. And we eat that crap.

Had very lil yield from my apple trees thus Season because of all that.

They all should go back to the roots more even if the market put them under pressure.

Here's another calendar, shows the 3 lunar cycles ascention, descention, perigee apogee, waxing waning, among other info.

Do you speak or read german? If so Ive heard there is some variance in the english version due to the loose language translation.
Do you speak or read german? If so Ive heard there is some variance in the english version due to the loose language translation.
Ja Digga ich sprech deutsch.:bigjoint:

And thank you very much for all the cool links!
Its getting real informative here.
Great contribution to the Thread Bro!
If there is more feel free to post it here.

Peace out:peace:
Oh, there's more. There's always more.

You need to read German versions and tell me what's wrong the English ones.
Ja Digga ich sprech deutsch.:bigjoint:

And thank you very much for all the cool links!
Its getting real informative here.
Great contribution to the Thread Bro!
If there is more feel free to post it here.

Peace out:peace:

Phone keyboard jacked, look up.
Oh, there's more. There's always more.

You need to read German versions and tell me what's wrong the English ones.
No problemo:bigjoint:
But Bro dont expect too much, keep in mind the guy behind this nick is a total stoner.
But on the Weekends I read a lot so when I can find parts in the texts where the Translator dude got his panties twisted I'll let you know Bro.

I guess your German is a bit rusty...huh:mrgreen:

Peace Bro
No problemo:bigjoint:
But Bro dont expect too much, keep in mind the guy behind this nick is a total stoner.
But on the Weekends I read a lot so when I can find parts in the texts where the Translator dude got his panties twisted I'll let you know Bro.

I guess your German is a bit rusty...huh:mrgreen:

Peace Bro

LOL had google translate it for me

Einz, fei, dri
That's it.
My grandma used to call me something like
"Spitze shiten kindergraden"
I interpreted it as
"You little shit"

Where not in the the US are you? Geographic region if you dont want to give specifics. I'm want to do my own grapes where the easter foothills of the rocky mountains meet the high desert plains. Colorado 30 min west of Denver.
LOL had google translate it for me

Einz, fei, dri
That's it.
My grandma used to call me something like
"Spitze shiten kindergraden"
I interpreted it as
"You little shit"

Where not in the the US are you? Geographic region if you dont want to give specifics. I'm want to do my own grapes where the easter foothills of the rocky mountains meet the high desert plains. Colorado 30 min west of Denver.
Ahhhh cool nice to hear your grandma was from my country. I am in the southern part.

Mate I would love to live in the US.
If I would have to choose.... Cali...Mendocino...
Best place to be in our time in my book.

Grapes man!!?? me too!
I have about 300 beans of finger grapes I ordered from asia.
I also bought concord seeds one from the US one from Jamaica.
I also have kyoho bonsai.
But I have no clue about germinating grapes. They are in the fridge atm.
If you want some of the Finger Grapes I would be happy to send some over to your end. I have way too much.
I could add some other Seeds aswell if youre in need.
I have a bunch.of different heirloom tomatoe seeds aswell as some mj seeds I made myself in 2016.
I ve already send successfuly to Denver

Peace out:peace:
Ahhhh cool nice to hear your grandma was from my country. I am in the southern part.

Mate I would love to live in the US.
If I would have to choose.... Cali...Mendocino...
Best place to be in our time in my book.

Grapes man!!?? me too!
I have about 300 beans of finger grapes I ordered from asia.
I also bought concord seeds one from the US one from Jamaica.
I also have kyoho bonsai.
But I have no clue about germinating grapes. They are in the fridge atm.
If you want some of the Finger Grapes I would be happy to send some over to your end. I have way too much.
I could add some other Seeds aswell if youre in need.
I have a bunch.of different heirloom tomatoe seeds aswell as some mj seeds I made myself in 2016.
I ve already send successfuly to Denver

Peace out:peace:
Grandma was actually 3rd generation US but family had settled in region of Kansas with large german influence. Similarly moms side of family being scandanavian settled in wisconsin after a family patriarc returned form the california 1849 gold rush and dumped gold into his wife's apron until the seams burst. Or thats the folklore anyway! Ive never seen any evidence of this gold!

Nice, glad that you collect seeds, that is something I need to get better at it. Typically I rummage throgh the drawer of poorly organized and poorly cared for seed packs to figure out what I want to plant.
Seems that the concords from jamaica might not need a cold snap if they are grown natively in jamaica, also, some seed vendors do this before releasing seeds. What I have seen is they need a month or 2 of cold wet hovering right around freezing (<34, >30F)

I will try to approach this with some tact. I dont like the way california operates as a state, they are in debt but have one of the largest gpds of all states. The residents of the state seem to live the same way, i.e. live on credit cards and project an air of well bieng. That said my best friend was born and raised in cali. Also, just a note, if you are looking to break into the mj market California or Colorado (and probably the other states it went legal in last year) are already saturated. In the 2 years since it went legal here retail price for rec ounces have dropped about 75% from over 400 to 120-130, there are still some that gouge for 300, but the quality is no better, they just have pretty glossy pictures and a marketing campaign.

Lets stay in contact, making my first batch of mj seeds now I want to test them before giving out. I would rather know many people who focus on what they like as far as a seed catalogue, then one day when I'm ready I can ask them to cherry pick from their stash.
Cool family tree Bro.
That makes you kind of a Stepbrother:bigjoint:

I have all the grape seeds for this years planting in the fridge since a month. I will plant in early may so stratification should be ok by then.

If you need some seeds of finger grapes tomatoes peppers let me know all heirloom stuff. Old strains from grandpas days I have old bohemian and schlesian strains one from 1800 with a million yellow snack tomatoes on it all cool stuff Bro.

About cali
I have no clue and people there but the climate seems to be perfect for weed.
Btw I also wouldnt refuse to life at Ibizza Bro just to mention.

Peace out:peace:
Cool family tree Bro.
That makes you kind of a Stepbrother:bigjoint:

I have all the grape seeds for this years planting in the fridge since a month. I will plant in early may so stratification should be ok by then.

If you need some seeds of finger grapes tomatoes peppers let me know all heirloom stuff. Old strains from grandpas days I have old bohemian and schlesian strains one from 1800 with a million yellow snack tomatoes on it all cool stuff Bro.

About cali
I have no clue and people there but the climate seems to be perfect for weed.
Btw I also wouldnt refuse to life at Ibizza Bro just to mention.

Peace out:peace:
There is a reason for the emerald triangle:hump:

Thing is Kentucky, Tenesee and some other areas of the south are better suited, you just have to compromise a bit maybe on political climate. Once it goes legal nationally (next 5 years) Phillip Morris and RJ renyolds will pull their tobacco plantions out of moth balls and dominate the market.
There is a reason for the emerald triangle:hump:

Thing is Kentucky, Tenesee and some other areas of the south are better suited, you just have to compromise a bit maybe on political climate. Once it goes legal nationally (next 5 years) Phillip Morris and RJ renyolds will pull their tobacco plantions out of moth balls and dominate the market.
Bro its a shame....
For sure they will try to get in and control the market. Lots of profit is in the cannabis market. Profit is attracting this people like a dogs shit attracts the fly.

But I wouldnt buy the monsanto licensed crap ditchweed morris and reynolds would produce myself.
Everything they can produce is bullshit. Period.

If that happens to you guys in the land over the big pond you should boykott them.
I know it will not be that way but in my book the small man should get a chance.
I would force local supply not centralized supply as strong as possible. I would stress the shit out of any responsible person to get local supply. Locally grown

And only if the pot community boykotts this richassed big damn companies the small producers with fire organically grown material will survive.

Just to mention .... not one hashish factory on hindu kush mountains would ever sell a gram of hash to phillip morris.
If he would come ask for a 10 year contract and 200. 000 kg a year, the afghan watchmen with the ak47 would not even think about opening the door for such subjects.
They say you want hash ok but not ours. Bye.
We should deeply think about that behavior.
It rescues us maybe one day.

The same you americen brothers must do. Like ...
"Ah nice phillip morris is selling weed but I dont buy it.

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My ass is doing that too.... lmao
Guess my ass is flat then too but it dont looks like flat.

LOL ..well flat or not if I don't start having better results with these clones I'm going to hit you up on some Moon-advice on went to cut them..?!

First year-and-a-half I lost just two individual clones, but since last Summer been on a definite decline and I can't quite figure it out, at this point I'm ready to try the moon, a triple Whammy Hex or anything else about now :hump: the way it is electromagnetism, it pulses from the North Pole and controls the tides, just so you know my friend, and we're all going to find that and a lot of other things out very soon, you cant put the cat back in the bag
-good luck..!

p.s. you're right about Mendocino and the whole big Sur / PCH1 area is beautiful, everybody should plan to visit & take a drive along the coast of Big Sur at least once in their life it's truly beautiful, I lived there in the 80s

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Give this a listen, it's funny, and true.

IMO the concept of biodynamics is harmony, by planting as I do prior to perigee the plant is inherently in sync. I also look for times when perigee and ascention coincide (or are within a day of each other) to plant. Then when it comes time to harvesting I look for what happens 7-13 days after perigee. If the plant has shot a bunch of new growth it will go another month, if not, I watchh the trics and harvest as close to ascention as I deem reasonable. In other words the trichs have the finnal say.

Even if you don't plant at perigee, the plant will still react to the lunar cycles, it seems less predictable to me though.

Round earth briade
As for your clones ....
You could try cloning on the days the calender judges good for planting and sowing... ideeal would be a day recommended for planting flowering herbs but if rooting is a bitch the mom is the reason most of the time. You could also try days recommended for vegetables where roots are the crop loke carrots.

I plan this for my EC x Q that takes two weeks+ for rooting.
I dont use any additives like hormones or such for cloning and have roots showing outside a jiffy about at day 10 most of the time.
The mother is healthy thriving happily growing but this girl takes forever to root.
I had a Hindu girl that rooted in five days with no additives and any method. That was nice!
