Birth Control FOR YOUR BUD?


Well-Known Member
sooo is it true that estrigen can actually increase budd and fruit growth? Ive heard of farmers experimenting with this hormone for increased fruit growth, but it then may contain the hormones in the fruit. True story, anybody heard different?:joint::confused::joint:


Well-Known Member
"over the years there have been alot of anecdotal reports indicating that birth control pills stimulate plant growht . In 1983 a farmer in TX reported that his tomato plants grew many more tomatoes after they recieved two treatments with estrogen based pills"

come on somebodys got 2 have some knowledge they can shed on this mystery. steroids for the commercial crop???


Well-Known Member
im sure we would recieve those same hormones while smoking.... then man would start to act like gal,i dont need no estrigen,


Well-Known Member
some 1 gotta have some input based on some facts here... fertillizers can be flushed..wut about hormones...and regardless..would there be some sort of freak 5lb indoor plant off of 2feedings of estrogen????


Well-Known Member
I doubt estrogen can be flushed man. The way it works is different from the vitamins and hormones you see in superthrive. Plus I bet you'd grow some big tittys after smoke estrogen based weed. But thats just theory.


Well-Known Member
right well thats all we got here a bunch of theorys im looking for some real try and error with this becasue i rarely see it mentioned othere than the occasional dumbass that askes if birth control can be dropped in the rez to stop pollenation..

either way it was documented that a farmer had 'super' blooms with 2 treatments of this hormone. have there been any studys.. ???


Well-Known Member
right well thats all we got here a bunch of theorys im looking for some real try and error with this becasue i rarely see it mentioned othere than the occasional dumbass that askes if birth control can be dropped in the rez to stop pollenation..

either way it was documented that a farmer had 'super' blooms with 2 treatments of this hormone. have there been any studys.. ???
Well if his tomatoes did grow bigger because of the estrogen and he did a controlled experiment then thats cool. But you can never ignore the downside to things. Surely the estrogen hormone is still present in the tomatoes. What will that do to your body if it wasn't all broken down properly and there were still trace elements in the tomatoes. If there is a study that finds that it does make flowering buds bigger and better and there are no left over estrogen present then im on board. But smoking female hormone filled plants cant ever be a good thing if in fact the estrogen is left over.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of this "Birth Control" method of growing for years and years now. It doesn't do shit.
Does it make you grow breasts though? Surely it must do something. I find it hard to believe that there are no effects. Is there estrogen hormone still present in the flowers? If so how does it affect your body? Do you look more like a female after smoking the hormone filled herb? So many questions need to be answered its not funny.

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Oh boy...this rumor is still floating around? The rumor I have always heard was... An increase female to male ratio from seeds. Pretty tough to prove IMO. I have not experience whatsoever with it. Many marijuana growers started messing around with this when breeders found out how to make femminized seeds. Coincidence? I think not. Forums can be a blessing and a curse all in the same day.


Well-Known Member
I heard that too. ya i have seen this rumor floating around the web..but i cant seem to find a realible study...

Oh boy...this rumor is still floating around? The rumor I have always heard was... An increase female to male ratio from seeds. Pretty tough to prove IMO. I have not experience whatsoever with it. Many marijuana growers started messing around with this when breeders found out how to make femminized seeds. Coincidence? I think not. Forums can be a blessing and a curse all in the same day.