Bit of a disaster - heat damage


I got a new grow light and threw it in my setup, i felt there wasn't enough power there so i put it in and the next day i realised that one of my plants (out of 2) had curly leaves, now the leaves are so delicate, if i even brush up against them they fall off, i think i have really damaged the the plant, i never realised how hot the light was, no idea what i was felt cool but it must have been when i closed the door the heat built. Is there any saving this plant? Should i remove all the weak leaves that are falling off or will they recover? I doubt they will. Seems about half the leaves are holding in there, looks like the bigger leaves are falling and smaller leaves are still ok, maybe with time they will all fall off.....

The plants are just on the verge f flowering i think, i think i seen my first pistel yesterday, i guess this plant is a right off?


People here will need all the details, photos grow.l medium temps, humidity, what lights etc.

And photos old chap.
They are in a soil mix with vermiculite/perlite, the best soil i could find and used before with good results, 55%humidity, 25c currently, god knows how hot the light was when it was close to it and the lights are a mix of LED, not idea but i have a very small area and they are the coolest light type.

Here is the plant, the white wire is a thermometer probe btw.



Well-Known Member
I bought an infrared thermometer yesterday to check the temp of leaves, In forums people mentioned them, not dear either.

Hopefully people with better knowledge than I will be posting shortly.


They have had a whole night but they are still looking rather bad, the leaves just seem to fall off with a small breeze, i really wonder if the plant has just been cooked and is dead now.....i really hope not as that has been 10-11 weeks wasted if so

Jumpin Jimmy

Well-Known Member
They are in a soil mix with vermiculite/perlite, the best soil i could find and used before with good results, 55%humidity, 25c currently, god knows how hot the light was when it was close to it and the lights are a mix of LED, not idea but i have a very small area and they are the coolest light type.

Here is the plant, the white wire is a thermometer probe btw.

That’s heat coupled with high nitrogen. Lay off the nitrogen and of course get the temp down. You’ll be fine

Jumpin Jimmy

Well-Known Member
Looking again and it’s been stressed for a long time. That stalk purpling is horrendous. Cold, heat, too wet, can cause this. Mg is easily locked out. Pot looks dry as a dessert. What are you feeding it? Looks like heat and too much nitrogen still. Too much nitrogen and too dry can cause a similar look as well. If same continues without you making change, they’ll burn and crisp up. I could very well be wrong and could be a different issue but I’ve seen similar several times. Looks ready for water. If so, water them and they look big enough and soil light enough bough to handle some run off. I’d slowly try to wash it out. I wouldn’t go for a full crazy flush just yet but I’d get a good bit of runoff and get it in the mid 70s. Don’t let it get overly dry before next watering. If it gets even worse after next water than I’d go for the flush next. This is what I’d do if it was all up to me based off the pic and little bit of info you gave. Could be detrimental to the plants heatlh could fix it. I have a good enough feeling that it’s high nitrogen coupled with heat/dry soil that I would go for it. How lucky do you feel? Gotta make a move ASAP, soldier. What’s it gonna be?
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Looking again and it’s been stressed for a long time. That stalk purpling is horrendous. Cold, heat, too wet, can cause this. Mg is easily locked out. Pot looks dry as a dessert. What are you feeding it? Looks like heat and too much nitrogen still. Too much nitrogen and too dry can cause a similar look as well. If same continues without you making change, they’ll burn and crisp up. I could very well be wrong and could be a different issue but I’ve seen similar several times. Looks ready for water. If so, water them and they look big enough and soil light enough bough to handle some run off. I’d slowly try to wash it out. I wouldn’t go for a full crazy flush just yet but I’d get a good bit of runoff and get it in the mid 70s. Don’t let it get overly dry before next watering. If it gets even worse after next water than I’d go for the flush next. This is what I’d do if it was all up to me based off the pic and little bit of info you gave. Could be detrimental to the plants heatlh could fix it. I have a good enough feeling that it’s high nitrogen coupled with heat/dry soil that I would go for it. How lucky do you feel? Gotta make a move ASAP, soldier. What’s it gonna be?
It looks that dry because i topped the top with some fresh soil as over time it sunk with watering, know what i mean? It was watered dont worry. I use Biobizz Biogrow + Bio Flower when needed and spring water with a neutral PH. Its in a place that is 25c stable and a 50% humidity.

So what are you suggesting, i flush to remove the nitrogen but isnt that what the food is for? Or am i missing something, do you think i added too much and thats an issue?

Jumpin Jimmy

Well-Known Member
It looks that dry because i topped the top with some fresh soil as over time it sunk with watering, know what i mean? It was watered dont worry. I use Biobizz Biogrow + Bio Flower when needed and spring water with a neutral PH. Its in a place that is 25c stable and a 50% humidity.

So what are you suggesting, i flush to remove the nitrogen but isnt that what the food is for? Or am i missing something, do you think i added too much and thats an issue?
Food is to feed plant, yes, but too much is obviously not good. Like I said, I could be wrong. I’d just water until you get a bit of run off and not an actual flush. Straight water and keep temps down. What strength of fert did you use? Full? I wish I could see plant pic from before the heat wave. The fact that only one plant got stressed is something that could really support the nitrogen/heat idea. What’s other plant look like?
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