Bit of advice needed please...Newbie here...


Active Member
Hello All , hope you are all well.. This is my first proper grow, i did a practice on one plant from seed last time, dropped a few clangers so im hoping this time to get things better.
Well i used cuttings in rockwool and had them in a propagator for approx 14 days, then transplanted them into the main pots.
After 9 days in there they are looking ok, and have all got at least 3 main stems already.
Do i now start off properly in my week one of veg? Or do i leave them a bit longer till they get more established? These clones looked much better than last time, and have come on faster than expected.
What id like to know is now do i start to add the proper nutrients? And start to count the weeks as week 1 Veg, which ive been told to veg for 4 weeks. They are under 3 hps lights set at 400 , i was told to go to start off on 400 and not 250 wattage.
So been under the lights now for 9 days on 18/6 and are looking like they need to be feed at you would in veg, but id like to be totally sure and some good advice off seasoned member would be a great help.
Thank you for your time and patience, we all started somewhere so apologies in advance if ive worded things wrong, or if im doing anything wrong. Oh yes im using the Shogun range and have a feed chart, but i know this is only a rough guide. A few pics will be posted to show the progress of my plants "incredible bulk".
Thank you for



Well-Known Member
Honestly if they are nice and rooted in those rockwool plugs and you justgot them into soil, and your only vegging for 4 weeks, you’ll be fine for a month if using good soil like Fox Farms or similar...after 4-6 weeks your plant will use most of the nutrients out of the soil and then require feeding...start them out for first 3 feeds at half-strength nutes then work up to your suggested amounts on the feeding-chart.
Can I ask why you went with 3 400w HPS vs 1 1000? If it were me, I’d arrange your plants in a circle, keep two lights overhead, separated by 14-18 inches, then take the third light out of reflector and hang it in the middle of your plants for side lighting (open bulb, vertical supplemental light) and with 1200 watts total? If you have room veg for like 8-10 weeks and grow pounds....


Well-Known Member
Hello All , hope you are all well.. This is my first proper grow, i did a practice on one plant from seed last time, dropped a few clangers so im hoping this time to get things better.
Well i used cuttings in rockwool and had them in a propagator for approx 14 days, then transplanted them into the main pots.
After 9 days in there they are looking ok, and have all got at least 3 main stems already.
Do i now start off properly in my week one of veg? Or do i leave them a bit longer till they get more established? These clones looked much better than last time, and have come on faster than expected.
What id like to know is now do i start to add the proper nutrients? And start to count the weeks as week 1 Veg, which ive been told to veg for 4 weeks. They are under 3 hps lights set at 400 , i was told to go to start off on 400 and not 250 wattage.
So been under the lights now for 9 days on 18/6 and are looking like they need to be feed at you would in veg, but id like to be totally sure and some good advice off seasoned member would be a great help.
Thank you for your time and patience, we all started somewhere so apologies in advance if ive worded things wrong, or if im doing anything wrong. Oh yes im using the Shogun range and have a feed chart, but i know this is only a rough guide. A few pics will be posted to show the progress of my plants "incredible bulk".
Thank you for
what do u want to no ?? i am missing something here


Well-Known Member
Hello All , hope you are all well.. This is my first proper grow, i did a practice on one plant from seed last time, dropped a few clangers so im hoping this time to get things better.
Well i used cuttings in rockwool and had them in a propagator for approx 14 days, then transplanted them into the main pots.
After 9 days in there they are looking ok, and have all got at least 3 main stems already.
Do i now start off properly in my week one of veg? Or do i leave them a bit longer till they get more established? These clones looked much better than last time, and have come on faster than expected.
What id like to know is now do i start to add the proper nutrients? And start to count the weeks as week 1 Veg, which ive been told to veg for 4 weeks. They are under 3 hps lights set at 400 , i was told to go to start off on 400 and not 250 wattage.
So been under the lights now for 9 days on 18/6 and are looking like they need to be feed at you would in veg, but id like to be totally sure and some good advice off seasoned member would be a great help.
Thank you for your time and patience, we all started somewhere so apologies in advance if ive worded things wrong, or if im doing anything wrong. Oh yes im using the Shogun range and have a feed chart, but i know this is only a rough guide. A few pics will be posted to show the progress of my plants "incredible bulk".
Thank you for
best results i would not go in soil and if u are only doing a 4 week veg deff not soil


Active Member
best results i would not go in soil and if u are only doing a 4 week veg deff not soil

Ok mate, what would you suggest please as ive just got the feed details and its only got 4 week veg on there then changes over to flower. I am new and trying my best but id just try get some proper adivce. thank you.


Well-Known Member
When you grow in soil, it often takes a few weeks longer for the roots to spread out, plant to get comfy. In a hydro system 4-5 weeks veg would usually put you farther ahead on growth/size than soil.

i grow 100% in soil now; I grow in a 5x5 tent For indoor crops, 630w CMH in a horizontal fixture + 400w HPS vertical, open bulb hanging between plants, use 5 gallon felt pots and blumat watering system. So we’re similar in setup, in soil and over a 1000w of light.....I sometimes veg 6-9 plants for 8 weeks or more, depending on how long it takes untilI I can guestimate running out of room during stretch/flower. Don’t get too hung-up on a specific schedule, dates, etc, just veg your garden for 3-4 weeks and assess the situation....are they at least a foot tall with multiple nodes? Did you choose to LST, top or SCROG? If so, adjust veg time accordingly and make sure your canopy is about as big as you’d like before switching to flower.


Well-Known Member
If I could give you ANY advice at all, here it is: Don’t get too hung up on all the “difficulties” you read about with growing her, she’s been around longer than humans and nature finds a are just the caretaker helping them complete their programming and mission.


Active Member
Thank you Agronut, really good advice given mate. I do know if i grew in hydroponics or aeroponics i would not only have a faster veg time, and probably a better yield.
But i have heard and read not in depth as i am only learning that in hydroponics and aeroponics that there is not much room for mistakes, and grown that way they arent as forgiving. Im trying not to get to hung up on all the difficulties, i know everyone has to start somewhere, i think my post didnt come across the way i was trying to put it, my fault and bad english.
I havent come to the way to choose to go, be it LST topping, fiming, i think this time all im concentrating on is getting through the grow successfully, so i chose which i thought the easiest method, easy seeds ( forgiving etc) and getting a bit at the end to have to help with the pain i am constantly in.
I just wasnt sure to follow the chart and dates and the nutrients or speak to a seasoned grower as yourself and just ask which is the best option to go with. Im always checking the PH and EC and keeping them within the range. After 2 weeks of being in the 12 litre pots the have plenty of nodes now, and also i lifted a few or the pots up to check for the EC and already they have roots coming out of the bottom of the pots, some as long as 5", which quite shocked me as to how quick they had rooted after coming out of the propagator.
Im taking your advice Agronut and just going to see when they look good enough to be switched, theyve already got 4 or 5 nodes and the same with sets of leaves, i will probably wait till they are 12" to 18" high and then flick them.
I have noticed today that on the run off the EC was reading 1.6-1.8 , which is way to high and there is probably a salt build up, so im giving them a flush before adding any more nutrients, because ive only been giving them a 0.8-1.0 feed with them being so young as i didnt want to damage them or get nutrient burn.
Ive tried my hardest to learn by studying but when unsure and something seems not quite right i can only do one thing and thats ask as i bet its a doddle to all you seasoned growers, but remember back to your first time and how daunting it must of seemed to you, or any other 1st time grower.
Sometimes it pees me off when ive asked for a bit of advice and got really sarcy answers and have to bite my lip not to say something like "oh i bet you were an expert your first time was you?" I do think some growers just assume newbies know the the same as them? but when youve been growing 20 or 30 years i bets its 2nd nature and you dont even have to measure the amount of nutrients in a jug.
Sorry for going on a bit, and thank you for taking the time to go to the lengths you have to give me a helping hand. Its very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Agronut, really good advice given mate. I do know if i grew in hydroponics or aeroponics i would not only have a faster veg time, and probably a better yield.
But i have heard and read not in depth as i am only learning that in hydroponics and aeroponics that there is not much room for mistakes, and grown that way they arent as forgiving. Im trying not to get to hung up on all the difficulties, i know everyone has to start somewhere, i think my post didnt come across the way i was trying to put it, my fault and bad english.
I havent come to the way to choose to go, be it LST topping, fiming, i think this time all im concentrating on is getting through the grow successfully, so i chose which i thought the easiest method, easy seeds ( forgiving etc) and getting a bit at the end to have to help with the pain i am constantly in.
I just wasnt sure to follow the chart and dates and the nutrients or speak to a seasoned grower as yourself and just ask which is the best option to go with. Im always checking the PH and EC and keeping them within the range. After 2 weeks of being in the 12 litre pots the have plenty of nodes now, and also i lifted a few or the pots up to check for the EC and already they have roots coming out of the bottom of the pots, some as long as 5", which quite shocked me as to how quick they had rooted after coming out of the propagator.
Im taking your advice Agronut and just going to see when they look good enough to be switched, theyve already got 4 or 5 nodes and the same with sets of leaves, i will probably wait till they are 12" to 18" high and then flick them.
I have noticed today that on the run off the EC was reading 1.6-1.8 , which is way to high and there is probably a salt build up, so im giving them a flush before adding any more nutrients, because ive only been giving them a 0.8-1.0 feed with them being so young as i didnt want to damage them or get nutrient burn.
Ive tried my hardest to learn by studying but when unsure and something seems not quite right i can only do one thing and thats ask as i bet its a doddle to all you seasoned growers, but remember back to your first time and how daunting it must of seemed to you, or any other 1st time grower.
Sometimes it pees me off when ive asked for a bit of advice and got really sarcy answers and have to bite my lip not to say something like "oh i bet you were an expert your first time was you?" I do think some growers just assume newbies know the the same as them? but when youve been growing 20 or 30 years i bets its 2nd nature and you dont even have to measure the amount of nutrients in a jug.
Sorry for going on a bit, and thank you for taking the time to go to the lengths you have to give me a helping hand. Its very much appreciated.
you are very welcome! Just remember to document your steps...keep a journal for your first few grows and write down everything you do, dates, times and general observations. After a couple of grows you wont even need the journal, it just becomes second nature. And I’d recommend studying on internet, books, etc. learn as much as you can about the plant and you’ll realize they are very forgiving, usually their needs are very simple......those of us who grow cannabis have made it seem extremely hard to understand and difficult when it really isnt. And, no idea of your local politics but if you are medical or legal growing, seek out friends and peers to chat with, discuss techniques, etc. if not just keep coming to this site and someone will eventually answer


Active Member
you are very welcome! Just remember to document your steps...keep a journal for your first few grows and write down everything you do, dates, times and general observations. After a couple of grows you wont even need the journal, it just becomes second nature. And I’d recommend studying on internet, books, etc. learn as much as you can about the plant and you’ll realize they are very forgiving, usually their needs are very simple......those of us who grow cannabis have made it seem extremely hard to understand and difficult when it really isnt. And, no idea of your local politics but if you are medical or legal growing, seek out friends and peers to chat with, discuss techniques, etc. if not just keep coming to this site and someone will eventually answer

Thank you so much Agronut mate. I will start keeping a journal, what a great bit of advice. I do study a lot on the internet and only on reputable sites, i find one site very informative, but i guess im not allowed to say as i dont know if you are allowed to mention the sites names.
I have to admit reading some posts totally baffle me and yes some people who grow make it sound like rocket science and i get more confused than when i started. I am doing it for medical reasons, i have mechanical back failure, and degenerative disc problems in my spine, every disc has now collapsed and there is no operation to help, so im just stuck on painkillers which arent really a great help even though im on a strong dose of morphine. I dont know how to do different techniques yet such as LST, super cropping, and SOG etc. Ive read and even watched videos on youtbue but it always says only experienced growers try this, so that rules me out. Ive learned quite a bit though, about getting your PH right, checking the EC on the run off, never let your water get warmer than 20 degrees. What i dont get is why the EC is higher on the run off is higher than what it reads out of the nutrient tub. I do know or so i have been told its a salt build up in the roots, but i dont understand if im putting the exact amount of nutrients in, why get a salt build up? and have to flush to get the EC back down. I dont over feed, 1 feed at the moment (only 2 weeks old) and lights are approx 30" from the plant and are on at 400watt , were 250" but upped it this week and they have come on a great deal. Never go in the room when lights are out, only fed when lights are on, which i set my feeds to feed once lights have been on a hour, and then feed 1 hour before lights go out. The humidity is around 56/59 in veg, i dont know how to get it higher to be honest, i have 3 fans to move air around the room and also have an intake and out take. I know in flower when humidity should be around 40 degrees, last time i manged to get it to 45 all through flower. Dropped a few clangers which i have learned from as only got 3oz off that plant, but its a nice smoke ( only just started smoking it since the resin days ) and it does help, but i know it wont last so i need to up my game and learn, mainly by learning off the likes of your good self, and i do really appreciate the trouble you have gone to mate.
I have the 12 litre pots running off a IWS system flood and drain. And what really surprised me yesterday was when i lifted the inner pot up a bit to get the EC and i saw roots already coming out of the bottom holes, i was made up, i use the shogun range of nutrients (recommended from the local grow shop) , i dont know how that rates compared to all the different ranges out there, ive head canna is good but im sticking to what i know for the time being.
It really amazes me reading through some growers posts at how many people know so much like yourself, but i guess like anything else it comes with reading, and practice.
What has got me a bit stumped this time is after the roots were showing in the propagator i put them into the larger 12 litre pots. Although only 2 weeks old do they go onto proper feed like its got on the shogun feeding range, it starts with the first two weeks as seedlings or cuttings, then goes to week 1 of veg, so now theyve had the 2 week as seedlings do i feed them week 1? and the veg cycle is only 4 weeks on the data sheet , then it goes to flower, but ive read stories when you veg for at least 6 weeks even 8? but my plants have over 5 sets of leaves and nodes already, so hopefully in 4 weeks in 60/40 soil they will be ready to flick, although ive seen on another site some growers only veg for 2/3 weeks and that confuses me, one site 6-8 weeks, another 2-3 weeks and when you are a newbie like me its like "well whose advice do i take".
Im only a member on one site and this is here. And if there is more people like yourself Agronut (helpful, patient, and understanding ) i will only need to use here.
Take it easy mate, thanks again for all your help and the trouble youve gone to, its really appreciated :D