Bitch ass neighbors

Aight so my current dilemma is my neighbors drunk wife has threatened to call police bout my "pot plant". All stemming from her telling my kids to shut the fuck up playing in the back yard. I think she bluffing but I'm not 100% on that. I mean I know her hubby smokes. Any way if I had to harvest now would I have some decent smoke?
No it's months away from completely ready. I doubt you'd want to smoke that.
Did anyone see the injection scarring on her feet? Big time junkie, thats from shooting up.
Use that, it's a huge lever.
Okay. So your really tripping. That’s crazy. I figured your were egging it on, I mean one wee plant and Karen for a neighbor. Just keep your mouth shut and leave her alone. But your really scared the cops can do all this shit.

if your on here asking. I’m pretty sure you got you’re answer already. Not worth it bro. Sorry. Not to me. I’m fucking greatful for Cali. Geez.
What backwards state do you live in where they include the dirt, Lol? What do they do if I planted it straight in the ground? How much of the Earth are they gonna include, lol?
you are best to grow straight in ground here. At least all they will do is chop down the plant. Here on indoor grows they will weigh everything including the lights, the tent. If growing in dwc they weigh the water. My son is a police officer that let me now this during Christmas dinners at my house. And this backwards state is Texas
To be fair, I can see how he was trying to help. Any visible grow is way too risky with those two-legged weasels next door. Either stealth your grow, or buy your smoke. It is all about risk management.
Or make peace if u think it worth it with the husband he's ur ticket to freedom u loop him she won't bug u any more
without a warrant don't let the police in your home or yard.. they have to enter the front of the residence so if everything is out of sight then no worries.. but im not legal counsel
Consider being more pro-active because you'll never know when a nutter like your neighbour will get just blotto enough to send the cops your way.
I'd just get rid of that plant and go to the police myself. Show them that cooch pic and make a formal complaint for indecent exposure and harrasment and for threatening my underage kids. Tell them she's an aggressive wino who either insults you or flashes her cooze at you -or both- every time she sees you and that she threatens your kids when they are peacefully playing in the back yard. Done. That pic is golden, it will do all the work for you. One look at it and any cop will instantly classify her as a lunatic.
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If this doesn't open your eyes idk what will

I was thinking the same thing from the gate. She could get CPS involved and fuck his shit up good. I have had situations like this in the past and I ALWAYS opted to cut my losses. She has pics of the plant I’m sure and it is just a matter of getting mad enough or drunk enough to report him. You can always regrow a plant and it sucks but not as much as having your life turned upside down and have some bullshit on your record