Bitches be Crazy


Well-Known Member
Bitches be crazy.

Literally in my case, being an autistic wolf therian ^^;

Yes they're crazy, but I still love them.

And men can be DICKS, but I still love those too.



Well-Known Member
After meeting a woman you are attracted too close your eyes and try to talk to her. No peeking at all... All of a sudden she is now showing her true self. We get blinded but the physical attaction, the signs are all there if we can just stop looking at their tits and asses LOL


Pickle Queen
My dad once told me all women are bipolar. Not sure how true it is but I pretty certain my girl is.

LMFAO it's called a periode, natures way of letting women get away with acting like complet Bitchs.
Don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days every month and is still alive, lmfao or something like that

ok logging off and gardening before fab hunts me down and gives me shit in this thread, i blame my fantastic weed and ability to always have a sarcastic yet witty comment for almost any situation, well besides having kids in the grow room.... lalala letting it go lmfao

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LMFAO it's called a periode, natures way of letting women get away with acting like complet Bitchs.
Don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days every month and is still alive, lmfao or something like that

ok logging off and gardening before fab hunts me down and gives me shit in this thread, i blame my fantastic weed and ability to always have a sarcastic yet witty comment for almost any situation, well besides having kids in the grow room.... lalala letting it go lmfao

Big P

Well-Known Member
LMFAO it's called a periode, natures way of letting women get away with acting like complet Bitchs.
Don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days every month and is still alive, lmfao or something like that

ok logging off and gardening before fab hunts me down and gives me shit in this thread, i blame my fantastic weed and ability to always have a sarcastic yet witty comment for almost any situation, well besides having kids in the grow room.... lalala letting it go lmfao

Ive come up with several theories for many of the perplexing things in life. One of the perplexing things is as follows:

Why do females get mean when they are having thier periods?

Well trying to figure this out in the context that if all females do it then there must be an evolutionary reason for it, or then why would it happen.

so my theory is that, Bitches become mean during thier periods because when they are uncontrolably mean and "crazy" it causes the man or any man around them to be like. "wow this chicks being a bitch" therefore more likely preventing said man who normaly would fuck anything with a pulse, from wanting to engage in sexual intercoarse with crazy infertile women, at time of her crazy episode.

This has many evolutionary benifits:

1) Doesnt waste good sperm on an infertile bitch
2) The man may try to "hit it" later when the gurl is being nice and is actually "fertile" increasing the chances of impregnation
3) Allows the man to utilize his sperm with some other "nice" fertile bitch nearby, thereby not wasting the precious sperm on some ungratful bitch :D

what do you guys think? I cant think of any other plausable reasons than that. :D

I actually read somwhere that a mans sperm can act as an anti-depressent because it contains mood-altering hormones, including testosterone, oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins. Some of these have been detected in a women's blood within hours of exposure to semen.

So drink up ladies, dont be shy. No co-pay here, these meds are on the house (literally that shit gets everywhere) :D

Semen acts as an anti-depressant

Semen makes you happy. That's the remarkable conclusion of a study comparing women whose partners wear condoms with those whose partners don't.
The study, which is bound to provoke controversy, showed that the women who were directly exposed to semen were less depressed. The researchers think this is because mood-altering hormones in semen are absorbed through the vagina. They say they have ruled out other explanations.
"I want to make it clear that we are not advocating that people abstain from using condoms," says Gordon Gallup, the psychologist at the State University of New York who led the team. "Clearly an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease would more than offset any advantageous psychological effects of semen."
Suicide attempts

His team divided 293 female students into groups depending on how often their partners wore condoms, and assessed their happiness using the Beck Depression Inventory, a standard questionnaire for assessing mood. People who score over 17 are considered moderately depressed.
The team found that women whose partners never used condoms scored 8 on average, those who sometimes used them scored 10.5, those who usually used them scored 15 and those who always used them scored 11.3. Women who weren't having sex at all scored 13.5.
What's more, the longer the interval since they last had sex, the more depressed the women who never or sometimes used condoms got. But the time since the last sexual encounter made no difference to the mood of women who usually or always used condoms.
The team also found that depressive symptoms and suicide attempts were more common among women who used condoms regularly compared with those who didn't. The results will appear in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.
And Gallup told New Scientist that his team already has unpublished data from a larger group of 700 women confirming these findings. In this study, the always-use-condoms group were more depressed than the usually-use-condoms group, suggesting the discrepancy in the smaller study was a sampling error, he says.
Alternative explanations

But is it really the semen that affects women's mood? The researchers say they looked at alternative explanations such as whether women who seldom use condoms took oral contraceptives, how often they had sex, the strength of relationships, and the possibility that having a certain type of personality influenced the decision to use condoms. But none of these factors can explain their findings, they say.
In fact, the results aren't a complete surprise because semen does contain several mood-altering hormones, including testosterone, oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins. Some of these have been detected in a women's blood within hours of exposure to semen.
The question many people will ask is whether oral sex could have the same mood-enhancing effects. "Since the steroids in birth control pills survive the digestion process, I would assume that the same holds true for at least some of the chemicals in semen," Gallup says.
"I understand that among some gay males who have anal intercourse, it is not uncommon to attempt to retain the semen for extended periods of time," he adds. "Suggesting, of course, that there may be psychological effects." But further research will be needed to confirm whether exposure to semen through oral or anal sex really does affect mood in heterosexual or homosexual partners.
But why should semen have such an effect? "It makes no sense to me for this phenomenon to have evolved," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. But Gallup counters that men whose semen promotes long-term mood enhancement might have more chances to indulge in sexual activity.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I have another theory.

This one is in regards to the following:

Why are gurls more likey to be bisexual than men?

My theory is that during infancy both men & women will generally suckle on thier mammy's breasts to obtain the delicious mothers milk retained within.

this allows boys to crave and love the bosom as somthing that is loving an nurturing.

However gurls will also come out of this expiriance with a fondness of breasts and thier loving and nurturing ways. hence causing them to be more susceptible to the seductions of the opposite sex.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Would it be illiegal to sell properly labeled semen in a squirt bottle and advertise it as an anti-depressent / mood enhancer?

I can put a warning label on it saying "For best results heat to body temperature before cumsuming" :D

ok ok im done :D


Well-Known Member
I'm bisexual. I think one (this is but ONE of many) reason for this is that women are generally better looking. Get 10 random girls and 10 random guys and I think a higher proportion of the girls would be at least all right or good looking. Or maybe I'm just picky...

And women are better in bed with other women. Period. We know what we want.

Yet still we spend so much of our time watching gay porn 0_o

Yeah, bitches be crazy.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm bisexual. I think one (this is but ONE of many) reason for this is that women are generally better looking. Get 10 random girls and 10 random guys and I think a higher proportion of the girls would be at least all right or good looking. Or maybe I'm just picky...

And women are better in bed with other women. Period. We know what we want.

Yet still we spend so much of our time watching gay porn 0_o

Yeah, bitches be crazy.
Are you a chick?

If the answer to the above question is no, skip to part two of this post. If it is yes, read on.

#1 Wanna get together some time?

#2 That's cool man.


Well-Known Member
Really now? Can you move to London? Careful, I bite ^^

Yeah, I'm a girl, I get off on all kinds of interesting combinations, but for the most part I find porn a little... tacky. And then I get these mixed feelings: 'Damn that bitch is hot' on one hand and 'Damn, bitch is hotter than me!' on the other.

Oh dilemmas.

And you guys, what happens when you find a stoner chick? How much time do you spend debating whether you want her mouth on you or on a bong? I think it's hot if a girl can hold her smoke, knows her smoke and is not just a dealer's accessory or something like that.

But she can resort to wearing something flashy once in a while XD

As long as she knows that sessions aren't free.

OOH! *fuckyeah, I found my strawberry rips, I thought I lost them*

Afterthought: Lol you haven't even seen me yet X3


Well-Known Member
Probably gets a power trip from it. She's probably thinking 'HAH! I have EARNED my own money! MYSELF! Look at the size of my cock, I don't need you!'

Or something equally fucked up.

Aw, it's nice to see a guy who does take care of his kids well, though. *sympathetic licks and nuzzles*