Well-Known Member
OK another learning expierence of growing.....Powdery Mildew!
Well as you all know I already had to cull 2 plants because of Powdery Mildew. I did some reading in my (Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes) book and looked up some home remedies for battle Powdery Mildew. I came to realize that my tent temps are just fine! Its my Veg Box thats has the mildew problem. I didnt have any fresh air getting into the box, I figured the small fans inside was fine. Well it wasnt cause Powdery Mildew comes from stale air which my veg box was a stale MO-FO! But thats fixed now too. BC added my 4" In Line Booster fan exhausting the Veg Box an now I have a fan also pulling air into the box so there is good circulation.
Here is what I did with R.Ed Kush plant.
1st I made the Spray Mix which was the following: ( 1tblsp Baking Soda / 2 tblsp of Dish Soap mixed in 1 gal of tap water) I mixed it up for about 10 minutes, it was a bitch cause of the soap making bubbles....LOL

(Before Spray...there are little spots that is the Powdery Mildew!!!)

Next I took the mix and poured into a CLEAN Spray Bottle.
Then I took the plant and sprayed the whole EFIN plant! I mean the whole plant even under all the leaves.
(After I Sprayed the whole plant)

Finally I took the plant after spraying and put her in front of a fan to dry before putting her back in the tent and under the HPS!!!
I was reall digging the shadow of her on the closet door!!!

Now here is what I learned about Baking Soda which was awesome for me but I am sure a lot of you out there knew this already:
Baking Soda Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate Contols: Powdery Mildew.
Baking Soda kills fungus by changing the pH of foliage surface. It functions as a fungistat, not as a fungicide, that eradicates the organisms. I hope this works and I can get rid of the Powdery Mildew.
Apply once a day for one to three days or as needed.
Well let me know if anyone else out there might have some input or expierence dealing with Powdery Mildew. I am open to any advice, I am here to learn and become proficient in growing so chime in and help please.
Next update is going to be nice.... ~Jack~ is going into FLowering!!!
Peace All

Well as you all know I already had to cull 2 plants because of Powdery Mildew. I did some reading in my (Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes) book and looked up some home remedies for battle Powdery Mildew. I came to realize that my tent temps are just fine! Its my Veg Box thats has the mildew problem. I didnt have any fresh air getting into the box, I figured the small fans inside was fine. Well it wasnt cause Powdery Mildew comes from stale air which my veg box was a stale MO-FO! But thats fixed now too. BC added my 4" In Line Booster fan exhausting the Veg Box an now I have a fan also pulling air into the box so there is good circulation.
Here is what I did with R.Ed Kush plant.
1st I made the Spray Mix which was the following: ( 1tblsp Baking Soda / 2 tblsp of Dish Soap mixed in 1 gal of tap water) I mixed it up for about 10 minutes, it was a bitch cause of the soap making bubbles....LOL

(Before Spray...there are little spots that is the Powdery Mildew!!!)

Next I took the mix and poured into a CLEAN Spray Bottle.
Then I took the plant and sprayed the whole EFIN plant! I mean the whole plant even under all the leaves.
(After I Sprayed the whole plant)

Finally I took the plant after spraying and put her in front of a fan to dry before putting her back in the tent and under the HPS!!!
I was reall digging the shadow of her on the closet door!!!

Now here is what I learned about Baking Soda which was awesome for me but I am sure a lot of you out there knew this already:
Baking Soda Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate Contols: Powdery Mildew.
Baking Soda kills fungus by changing the pH of foliage surface. It functions as a fungistat, not as a fungicide, that eradicates the organisms. I hope this works and I can get rid of the Powdery Mildew.
Apply once a day for one to three days or as needed.
Well let me know if anyone else out there might have some input or expierence dealing with Powdery Mildew. I am open to any advice, I am here to learn and become proficient in growing so chime in and help please.

Next update is going to be nice.... ~Jack~ is going into FLowering!!!

Peace All