BKB's 2nd Grow

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Hi mate just thought id drop in an say hi, well there you go ive said it twice now lol....take it easy mate!
Pukka you are always welcomed here bro, thanks for coming by....hi to you!
Damn shes purdy!!
Mucho gracias ST!!!
bkb the plp looks so tasty, soon as i whittle out a nook im going to go ape shit crazy with my beans. cant wait tobust off a few n see how i can do with them. if i get half as good a results as i see you geting ill be happy... nice job bro!!!
I am just as excited as you are for when you fire up the PLP grow! No one has done a PLP hydro yet so not sure what your plans or intentions are but I cant wait to see!

I just got home from work today and as I was walking up the stairs I noticed the smell coming from my apartment of WEED!!! As I got to my door and looked to my left the other Apartment door was open and my landlord came out and said hi to me, I started to panic a little cause if I can smell it then he probably could smell it. I lit 4 candles and open up 6 new Glade Solid Air Fresheners(clean linen flavor). Now my apartment smells like fresh laundry. I am legal but dont want the Landlord to find out and then kick me out before I move which is the end of Feb. I will be in a bigger apartment which in return means a bigger grow op. LOL


dont even trip. they would have to give u an eviction notice first and it would take more than the thirty days for him to even get in to see a judge to have ur eviction granted. then u would have another 30 to 90 day depending on the judge and how he feels that morning and his mood and all. but yeah i get what ur saying bro. that would suck donkey balls. they are supposed to give u notice before entering ur house anyways. unless its an emergency of some sort like ur floading ur next door neigbors casa. then they have all the right in the world. but once u start paying rent and lock the door they are supposed to tell u becuz of all the belongings in ur pad. or at least a respectful landlord would. if i came home and my front door was wide open id go to the trunk of my car to get my gun and whoever was in my house landlord or not is gonna get it pointed in their face. teach them to come into my house un-announced.
you runnin a fan an can right

and as far as the smell you have to know the smell to identafy the smell
everyone forgets this cops know the smell gardeners know the smell
most everyday people dont really know the smell -the smell has different identaties
if you dont know the smell you only know you smell sumthing and its not regestering whut cause
if you never smelled a grow your brain has nutin to compare it wit - to come up wit oh thats weed

brain just says sutin smells -or sumtin smells bad or
Get this,

I pass a dead skunk on the road - I smell grow op
I go to the gas station - I smell grow op
A diesel Mack truck drives by - I smell grow op

start to see the picture that is forming, lol.
What kind of gun you got???

u mean what kinda guns i got? lol. springfield armory xd subcompact in od green with the pierce grip extantions as my carry gun. i have a springfield armory 1911 that is my fav. and a sig 22 that i just love to shoot cuz its cheap. lol. along with a 12 guage pump shotty with bird shot in it for home defence and a few other odds and ends. have a rifle in .223 that i can kill a ground squirrel at 300 yards with if im using heavy ammo. less effect from windage with the heavier hotter stuff. a few .17 hmrs for rabbits and squerrels and small animals good to about 200 yards max if im trying to be accurate. a .308 that i use for 500+ yard shooting that i can hit a man sized target with out to about 650 to 700 yards with no problem. tried shooting a 1000 yards with it but i only hit 1 out of 5 or so on a man sized target depending on how bad winds r out that day and its generally wild shots like the arms and legs. hard to hit shit that far with a .308. also a muzzle loaded .50cal. its like throwing a volkwagon at someone at a hundred yards and it only the size of ur index finger. lol. pure destruction. muahahaha

didnt know i had other hobbies than weed huh? lol. :hump:

i tend to go all out with my hobbies. the birdshot with the shotty is so it has less of a chance of going thru a wall and hurting someone. buckshot would just be devestating to anything in front of it. have a few rock salt shells homemade but dont like using them thru the shotty unless i have to cuz i have to clean it everytime i shoot the damn things so it doesnt corrode and shit from firing salt thru it. lol.
u mean what kinda guns i got? lol. springfield armory xd subcompact in od green with the pierce grip extantions as my carry gun. i have a springfield armory 1911 that is my fav. and a sig 22 that i just love to shoot cuz its cheap. lol. along with a 12 guage pump shotty with bird shot in it for home defence and a few other odds and ends. have a rifle in .223 that i can kill a ground squirrel at 300 yards with if im using heavy ammo. less effect from windage with the heavier hotter stuff. a few .17 hmrs for rabbits and squerrels and small animals good to about 200 yards max if im trying to be accurate. a .308 that i use for 500+ yard shooting that i can hit a man sized target with out to about 650 to 700 yards with no problem. tried shooting a 1000 yards with it but i only hit 1 out of 5 or so on a man sized target depending on how bad winds r out that day and its generally wild shots like the arms and legs. hard to hit shit that far with a .308. also a muzzle loaded .50cal. its like throwing a volkwagon at someone at a hundred yards and it only the size of ur index finger. lol. pure destruction. muahahaha

didnt know i had other hobbies than weed huh? lol. :hump:

i tend to go all out with my hobbies. the birdshot with the shotty is so it has less of a chance of going thru a wall and hurting someone. buckshot would just be devestating to anything in front of it. have a few rock salt shells homemade but dont like using them thru the shotty unless i have to cuz i have to clean it everytime i shoot the damn things so it doesnt corrode and shit from firing salt thru it. lol.

We should go to the range sometime! You ever go to http://www.p2krange.com/???
Mr Wheels you sound dangerous -it a good thing your one of the good guys
Dangerous till you see his hippie hair and hear about how he's donating it to locks for love ;)

Yeah the guns are dangerous but what is more important is "who" is holding the gun.

I feel safer being around wheels and his guns, then I do certain other people, and their gun.
Hawaii 5-0 Clone (Hoping those are more beans in there) I dont know if they are seed pods or swollen calyxes. Anyone can tell if there are seeds in there or not?? It will be 8 weeks on monday since it was dusted. I figure 7 weeks is plenty for a bean to be ready, should I let her go longer? Any input would be great please. I really hope those are more H5-0xCougars.

My new camera does very nice work! I am really liking it a lot.

Dangerous till you see his hippie hair and hear about how he's donating it to locks for love ;)

Yeah the guns are dangerous but what is more important is "who" is holding the gun.

I feel safer being around wheels and his guns, then I do certain other people, and their gun.
I know you feel safe with me, but know exactly one you know of!!!! Especially someone who wants to put a plastic toy gun light and mount it on a real gun!
She doesnt look ready to chop yet tho...

It will be 10 weeks on tuesday of 12/12. I chopped the other one last week at week 9 and had 11 good ripened seeds from it. Strange cause they are the same clone from one plant and they both got dusted at the same time. Do you think maybe their different cause of the over "N"??? Might of slowed the flowering down alittle??? Just trying to learn why, thats all.


Dangerous till you see his hippie hair and hear about how he's donating it to locks for love ;)

Yeah the guns are dangerous but what is more important is "who" is holding the gun.

I feel safer being around wheels and his guns, then I do certain other people, and their gun.

lmao. yeah becuz they accidently shoot 2 people. 1 in the leg and the other in the ass with one bullet. lmao.
i tend to go all out with my hobbies.

No shit!

That's awesome bro. I've gotten the chance to shoot a .50 cal. My fucking arm was sore for a week. I also got to shoot a full auto HK. That was fun. I like shooting guns a lot. It's a shame there aren't more reasons to shoot them.

EDIT: you sure can tell a lot about a person by how they handle a gun.
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