Hey guys, update time.
She is doing very good. She is getting way tall even though I flowered her as early as July 20th. So I have started to tie it down.
I am also considering building another grow setup. The bucket is nice but it's kind of a bitch every time I need to flush, and check the ph to take the whole plant out of the bucket, put it into another bucket. That damn plant is getting HUGE!
The pH however has stabilized at about 5.8.
It works out well with my tap water being 8.0 then I add the nutes, and it drops the pH. to about 5.8 - 5.7.
I am still having issues getting my temps to stay at 70 degrees, but with the warm weather on it's way out, it shouldn't be a problem much longer.
Also she is starting to get her frosting at the base of some of the flowers.
Best grow ever!