Need some help with an issue I never before encountered.
I'll start with some relevant background information. I'm using soil, nothing else.This particular soil is a good brand that many in Sweden use for growing and is highly recommended, also I have previous experience with it and it worked well before. I'm using water from the tap, clean drinking water. The light is 150watt hps + 23watt CFL, 2 x 140mm computer fans blowing. Temperature of about 80-86F.
I have 5 seeds, 1 PinkBubble and 4 Papaya. Pinkbubble was planted around 12th February, and the Papayas around 24th February. We can exclude issues due to seed genetics, as its 2 different strains from 2 different sellers, the odds of getting same issue would be very small.
So that leaves us with either the soil, or the water.
The water has worked fine before and should be no issues with it, so lets say it's a small chance the water cleaning stations have changed the composition, perhaps more chlorine or something else, and this is the issue.
So the soil, what could it be, since its supposed to be a quality soil, I think deficiency can be discounted, unless its deficiency in some micro nutrients?
Could it be something in the soil in terms of bacteria?
The issue appeared on PinkBubble about 12-14 daysafter planting it, and I noticed first spots on the Papayas just 2 days ago, which is when they also are about 12 days old.
The spots do not appear randomly however, they seem to appear first on the bottom leaves and starting from the tip usually, but not exclusively, and tend to move from the tip and inwards untill the whole leaf gets kind of brown/black and dries out, and then it moves up the latter to next set of leaves.
Greatly appreciate any help and tips to handle this.
I'll start with some relevant background information. I'm using soil, nothing else.This particular soil is a good brand that many in Sweden use for growing and is highly recommended, also I have previous experience with it and it worked well before. I'm using water from the tap, clean drinking water. The light is 150watt hps + 23watt CFL, 2 x 140mm computer fans blowing. Temperature of about 80-86F.
I have 5 seeds, 1 PinkBubble and 4 Papaya. Pinkbubble was planted around 12th February, and the Papayas around 24th February. We can exclude issues due to seed genetics, as its 2 different strains from 2 different sellers, the odds of getting same issue would be very small.
So that leaves us with either the soil, or the water.
The water has worked fine before and should be no issues with it, so lets say it's a small chance the water cleaning stations have changed the composition, perhaps more chlorine or something else, and this is the issue.
So the soil, what could it be, since its supposed to be a quality soil, I think deficiency can be discounted, unless its deficiency in some micro nutrients?
Could it be something in the soil in terms of bacteria?
The issue appeared on PinkBubble about 12-14 daysafter planting it, and I noticed first spots on the Papayas just 2 days ago, which is when they also are about 12 days old.
The spots do not appear randomly however, they seem to appear first on the bottom leaves and starting from the tip usually, but not exclusively, and tend to move from the tip and inwards untill the whole leaf gets kind of brown/black and dries out, and then it moves up the latter to next set of leaves.
Greatly appreciate any help and tips to handle this.