Black, brown spots, tips curling. Need help please.

When I first noticed this happening I stop feeding nutes.

About 2 days ago I flushed and it got worst.

This has happen with my last 3 grows.

Not sure what week or day it is into flowering. I thought I would be able to remember, but.

I would like to know what is causing this and how to stop and prevent this from happening again.



are u using dolomite in ur soil and if not did u try epsom salt or molasses yet? i have the sample problem
are u using dolomite in ur soil and if not did u try epsom salt or molasses yet? i have the sample problem
I'm using Foxfarm soil.

I use epsom salt, 1Tbsp per gallon.

Water pH is at 7.

I'm lost. I figured putting up pictures, someone would know what this is.

I bought some nutes last year but never used it on my other 2 failed grows. I started using it this time. Was looking at it the other day and noticed it is 9-59-8.

Does anyone know if this is just a single problem or many combined?

Rasbill did you figure out what it was and do you have any pictures.


Active Member
it could be nute burn, that's a hell of a lot of P
I have the same problem, yellowing with brown spots. I came to the same conclusion; nute burned the hell out of them.

Flush and give just plain water for awhile. And no more 1-7-1... try to stay around 1-3-2 for flowering according to Uncle Ben
I have the same problem, yellowing with brown spots. I came to the same conclusion; nute burned the hell out of them.

Flush and give just plain water for awhile. And no more 1-7-1... try to stay around 1-3-2 for flowering according to Uncle Ben
A friend gave me some 20-20-20 he has been using with no ill effects.

Going to use that for awhile and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Your hitting your plants too early with bloom foods, and probably too much at that. Stick with regular vegging formulas like 24-8-16 until at least 6 weeks into flower, and start at 1/4 of the recommended dose.

Over-nutrition is like a slow freight train - it takes time to get there and time to pass. Over-nuted plants can look same / worse for several days after a flush. Give them time, and plain water for awhile.
Your hitting your plants too early with bloom foods, and probably too much at that. Stick with regular vegging formulas like 24-8-16 until at least 6 weeks into flower, and start at 1/4 of the recommended dose.

Over-nutrition is like a slow freight train - it takes time to get there and time to pass. Over-nuted plants can look same / worse for several days after a flush. Give them time, and plain water for awhile.
Hey thanks Kriegs.

It seem to get really bad the first day or two after the flush, but it looks like it stop for the most part.

I also did a little trimming and took off the leaves that where mostly dead/burnt. Kept everything that it still green.


Well-Known Member
To feed cannabis veg formula 6 weeks into flower is some of the worst advice I have ever heard in my entire life and Im going to chalk it up to a typo and correct him by saying to feed a mixture of bloom and veg formula for the first 1/4 of flowering (i.e. 2weeks of mixed nutes on an 8 week strain) would be ok, then switch to straight bloom formula.
Anyways, looks alot like a fungal or bacterial disease to me, but u wont get one person to agree with me because there isnt a sticky on it so not too many pot growers know they even exist.
I really believe u do have a disease tho. Especially since u say it keeps coming back. It will keep coming back too until u disinfect the entire room and all equipment, and even then I would mist the walls and plants with h2o2 every few days to prevent further outbreak.
Once u get that done, after all infected plants are harvested, then introduce new plants. Keep them healthy, watered perfectly, fed properly, containers the right size, basically minimal stress. Its a tough, tough battle and it may come back even after u do all that, all it takes is one spore or one cell of bacteria to hit a stressed plant and u have to start all over cleaning. This is why farmers rotate crops, unfortunately for us, we cant rotate so we have to battle the shit repeatedly.


Well-Known Member
To feed cannabis veg formula 6 weeks into flower is some of the worst advice I have ever heard in my entire life and Im going to chalk it up to a typo and correct him by saying to feed a mixture of bloom and veg formula for the first 1/4 of flowering (i.e. 2weeks of mixed nutes on an 8 week strain) would be ok, then switch to straight bloom formula.
Anyways, looks alot like a fungal or bacterial disease to me, but u wont get one person to agree with me because there isnt a sticky on it so not too many pot growers know they even exist.
I really believe u do have a disease tho. Especially since u say it keeps coming back. It will keep coming back too until u disinfect the entire room and all equipment, and even then I would mist the walls and plants with h2o2 every few days to prevent further outbreak.
Once u get that done, after all infected plants are harvested, then introduce new plants. Keep them healthy, watered perfectly, fed properly, containers the right size, basically minimal stress. Its a tough, tough battle and it may come back even after u do all that, all it takes is one spore or one cell of bacteria to hit a stressed plant and u have to start all over cleaning. This is why farmers rotate crops, unfortunately for us, we cant rotate so we have to battle the shit repeatedly.
Not a typo; you're just wrong.

Check this, from someone who knows and has been at this forever:

The "six weeks" reflects 2 weeks to really get the plant in flowering mode, and four weeks to complete stretch. That's 6 weeks of heavy veg growth that can't be supported by a bloom food.

Good thought on the fungus, though.. may very well be the case, and consistent with the successive grow failures (MJ will usually beat the "bloom food hex" on its own).


Active Member
looks like nutrient burn try flushing with a flushing agent,these are designed to bond to the salts and help carry them away.I would buy some flora clean by general hydro and use it as recommended. then go do some homework on nutrients remember they usually put the directions on them follow them tell you have a base grow then you can start to dial the nutrients up to your liking and the plants. remember not all strains can handle the same amount of nutrients some like more some way less I noticed that sativa dominant don't care for as much nuts as the indica strains like


Active Member
Not a typo; you're just wrong.

Check this, from someone who knows and has been at this forever:

The "six weeks" reflects 2 weeks to really get the plant in flowering mode, and four weeks to complete stretch. That's 6 weeks of heavy veg growth that can't be supported by a bloom food.

Good thought on the fungus, though.. may very well be the case, and consistent with the successive grow failures (MJ will usually beat the "bloom food hex" on its own).
The 6 week timeline is bogus. First of all unless it's a landrace sativa the major part of the strutch should last no more then 3 weeks from the day you flipped to 12/12. And why would you even think of starting flower nutes at 6 weeks? At 6 weeks in nutes should be cut out, with the exception of a cal/mag supplement and products like snow storm ultra and gravity. I would hate to smoke any hybrid or pure indica bud that was being fed nutes durring it's last 2-3 weeks of flower. I mean I don't know of any grower that would do that to anything but long flowering sativas. You can't even call bullshit on what I've said as all my growing techniques come from Subcool, outlaw genetics, ocanabis, and bongorilla, all of whom are widely published in magazines, eg. Treatig yourself, high times, and skunk.


Well-Known Member
The 6 week timeline is bogus. First of all unless it's a landrace sativa the major part of the strutch should last no more then 3 weeks from the day you flipped to 12/12. And why would you even think of starting flower nutes at 6 weeks? At 6 weeks in nutes should be cut out, with the exception of a cal/mag supplement and products like snow storm ultra and gravity. I would hate to smoke any hybrid or pure indica bud that was being fed nutes durring it's last 2-3 weeks of flower. I mean I don't know of any grower that would do that to anything but long flowering sativas. You can't even call bullshit on what I've said as all my growing techniques come from Subcool, outlaw genetics, ocanabis, and bongorilla, all of whom are widely published in magazines, eg. Treatig yourself, high times, and skunk.
Personally, I won't use bloom nutes anymore at any point. They're just unnecessary hokum. The six-week thing was mostly to get the questioner to back off the bloom feeds long enough to see improvement. Most people, when they run into problems, have about a 2-3 day "patience window" beyond which, if no positive results are seen, they continue "applying solutions" and making things worse. If I say six weeks, maybe he backs off for 2, long enough to see it work.

Just because MJ prospers after someone does something, doesn't mean it prospers BECAUSE of that action. More often in spite of it, sometimes irrespective of it... on occasion, because. Being published in a magazine doesn't mean shit.

Bullshit is bullshit. I don't care who passes it out. MJ is not a "magic plant" that supersedes every rule of botany and the plant kingdom just because it's MJ. A regular food has plenty of P in it; the rest is just to lighten your wallet.

This country (US) exists to sell you stuff. So be patriotic and keep buying.


Well-Known Member
I'm using Foxfarm soil.

I use epsom salt, 1Tbsp per gallon.

Water pH is at 7.

I'm lost. I figured putting up pictures, someone would know what this is.

I bought some nutes last year but never used it on my other 2 failed grows. I started using it this time. Was looking at it the other day and noticed it is 9-59-8.

Does anyone know if this is just a single problem or many combined?

Rasbill did you figure out what it was and do you have any pictures.
A tablespoon is way too much. 1/4 tsp per gal is more like it. And do you use it to soften your water or just as a nute?


Well-Known Member
The 6 week timeline is bogus. First of all unless it's a landrace sativa the major part of the strutch should last no more then 3 weeks from the day you flipped to 12/12. And why would you even think of starting flower nutes at 6 weeks? At 6 weeks in nutes should be cut out, with the exception of a cal/mag supplement and products like snow storm ultra and gravity. I would hate to smoke any hybrid or pure indica bud that was being fed nutes durring it's last 2-3 weeks of flower. I mean I don't know of any grower that would do that to anything but long flowering sativas. You can't even call bullshit on what I've said as all my growing techniques come from Subcool, outlaw genetics, ocanabis, and bongorilla, all of whom are widely published in magazines, eg. Treatig yourself, high times, and skunk.
I feed up until the last 10 days or so from harvest. The last few weeks may not be alot, but I keep my plants GREEN all the way too harvest. You ever notice how plants grown outdoors do not seem to show the same yellowing and dying effect so many indoor growers claim is normal late in flower? Its because its not natural


Well-Known Member
I feed up until the last 10 days or so from harvest. The last few weeks may not be alot, but I keep my plants GREEN all the way too harvest. You ever notice how plants grown outdoors do not seem to show the same yellowing and dying effect so many indoor growers same is normal late in flower? Its because its not natural.
Well said, smart man ... Learning from real plants growing and behaving in the real outdoors -- what a concept.

And where, anywhere, did I say anything about feeding right up to harvest? Sheesh...


Active Member
All the times I did gorilla outdoor grows I saw my plants get the same fade that they do indoors. The main reason people cut out the nutes and want the fade, is to improve the taste. A properly flushed plant that has faded will have a much cleaner smoke than a plant that is still vibrant green with stored nutes in the leaves and chlorophyll still present. And yes I have tested that theory on my last run with Chernobyl clones. Both clones came from the same mother plant and one began it's flush at day 42 and was harvested day 63 and the other was fed nutes throughout till day 56 and was flushed till around day 67-70. The one that began the flush at day 42 had a nice maroon fade while the other stayed green. The green one was top notch smoke but the lime fuely flavor was only in the first two hits off the bubbler, while the one allowed to fade had a crisp clean lime flavor until there was nothing but ash in the same bubbler. Also I found it to be less lung expansive when properly flushed, while the one allowed to stay green made ya choke.