Black Dog Platinum XL LED grow


Well-Known Member
Beautiful job so far Sidd. Looks like a great setup you got there. It's gonna be a jungle in there soon.


Active Member
Got a question for you guys and gals,
I use AN big bud. It is really expensive but i have always loved the results. So my questions is: I know BB has P K Mg and amino acids in it. Has anyone ever tried using amino acids from weight lifting supplements, and then just a basic P K plus Epsom Salt? Am I crazy for thinking this?


Well-Known Member
^^^I usually go to an organic health food store before I go to the hydro store for some supplies and I think some AAs might be good to use, but you have to watch what it does to your ph since a lot of supplements are ph'd very differently than what is used for plants. It's also could be disastrous if you make a mistake by choosing the wrong product and that goes double for hydro. Not worth it IMHO. Check with the Hydro forum or the Organic forum for what's good to use instead.


Well-Known Member
Subbed.. which breeder made the sour kush?? I just grew out some from Reserve Privada - i hated their OG Kush but the Sour Kush was the most spectacular looking plant... unfortunately I had to cut it early due to shutting my grow down temporarily for security reasons... huge bush, looked like it was gonig to be phenomenal - definitely ordering more later - this one was grown all under LED as well (blackstar) - that's a 2.5g water bottle in the one pic for size comparison :)



Active Member
Hey Square,
the ten inches is total. Five from center. just enough to help with shadding. Someone once said light movers dont create photons. When I was researching light movers, i looked at all the reviews. The people who said they were awesome had them moving short distances, the people who said they sucked had them moving long distances, it was a direct corelation. I thought about this for a few minutes and decided i want one and that it would only move a short distance. I feel the cash i spent on it was well spent. For this run i dont know if it will do as much cause the Sour Kush has huge fan leaves. I will see what i can find to take a photo of to put the fan leaves in perspective.

I got this cut of sour kush from a friend. He got it from a dispensary here in town. So i have no idea of the breeder. Looking at your pics i feel our two are not related. mine has more indica growth. yours seems to have smaller fan leaves and more space between internodes. When i first tried to research Sour Kush i found this to be a name that went many different ways. Some say indica, some say sativia. I found a few places that said "headband" was pure sour kush. So i really have no idea. But the smoke is good. Yield sucks. mine has Indicia fan leaves, sativa high, low yield, finishes in 9 weeks. I have a friend who can take better photos and she said she would help me with the macros so i will post some macros at harvest of the trichomes.


Well-Known Member
Great info - og kush has a lot of phenos in it's makeup so they very well could come from the same genetics but just be different phenos. Yours may be a more sour dominant pheno.


Active Member
So last night was day 13 of 12/12. Showing some small little buds forming. about to get exciting. The Ghost stretched like crazy these last few nights. hope it stops stretching soon. It is crazy hot here, really glad i have LED. HPS would be to hot right now for sure. Here are some pics

I felt scale was being lost so in the last pic i tried to get the tape measure in the photo.

The light mover i use is a "light rail" not sure what model, got it used.


Active Member
Hey puffenuf,
I spaced it and didn't measure the height. I will try and remember tonight. Wish i would have measured at the start. This is the first time in forever that i havn't used Bud Ignitor. would have like to record the difference in stretch. But I can say for sure that it is needed on the Ghost, that girl is getting silly tall.


Active Member
Hey Puffenuff,
My girls are about 36 inches tall. I have lots of pics to update with

So my Ghost got top heavy and fell over so i had to get a net and support them in a sort of scrog. I have lots of pics so you can see what i was talking about. Also got some pics under the canopy and pics of the other half of my grow room.

I also took a few pics of the other side of my room with my other Platinum Xl. The other side of the room is soil grown.


Active Member
Here are some pic updates

These first 5 are from my soil grow. just for fun. These are also growing under a Black Dog Platinum XL



Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks for the measurement. They look nice, you're doing a good job. At what point did you lollipop them?


Active Member
Hey Puffenuff,
I prune heavily on the first day of 12/12 then a little bit more after the second weak.

So i did a res change last night, i will take a few more photos tonight. The screen seems to be holding everything up like it was intended. I will probably need to raise the plant cam again. I didnt expect this much stretch from everything. I am regretting not using Bud Ignitor. Oh well silly mistake



Active Member
So everything looked good after the res change. I had to raise the light and camera, everything is getting tall. I took a few photos of the lower fan leaves so you can see some LED penetration. If there was not enough light getting through the canopy these leaves would yellow and drop. But they are dark green, and these are plants over 3 feet tall with huge leaves.


these next two pics are just updates


and here are two quick photos of my soil plants under my other Platinum XL


I also just got word from my buddy that he will have some AK47 clones for me again. So after this harvest i will run 9 AK47 and 9 Ghost kush side by side under both my LED's. I want to see if i can brake 3.5 pounds on that grow. What do you guys think, 1400 watts LED = 3.5 pounds? It is a few months off but I think I can.
