Black Domina & PS BubbleChunk


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's taken me a while to update this thread.

Here are some pictures of the Black Domina after its been dried & cured for a week or so. As you can tell, I like to leave my buds a bit on the shaggy side.

Smoke Report:

  • it definitely has "bag appeal" with thick chunky green buds coated with lots of resin

  • smells like old-school skunk, citrus, burned rubber and berries. Very pungent.

  • the smell doesn't quite come through in the flavor, unfortunately. Based on the smell, it should taste unbelievably skunky...but while it has a hint of skunk, it's mostly lemony citrus and a bit spicy ..almost peppery. A great flavor, but just not what I expected based on the smell.

  • Has a good "expansion" ( not the best...but still good ), and is a bit of a creeper. 3 bong hits and I was as stoned as I've ever been once it hit me.

  • Ultimately, I smoke weed because I have problems going to and staying asleep. This is exactly what I need to knock me out at night. I love it and will definitely smoke it with pride!

*More pics and a smoke report of the BubbleChunk coming *