Black Flies?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Look up Schultz Garden Safe Fungicide. Took care of all of my fungus gnat problems, would probably work for you too.
Here is a link when I googled it.

Oh the day you use it. I sprayed and then I mixed some with the next watering I did. The damn things were flying all over the seemed to have no ill side effects at all and I sprayed the entire room...drenched everything...I tend to over do things.

Also, fungus gnats, and other pests, usually come about from either moving outdoor plants inside or from the soil. Especially MG. If you think it is the soil you can bake it at 180 degrees for 45 minutes or so before using it...with the rest of my MG soil (before I got the fox farm) we watered with that stuff and no problems. I have sprayed only one additional time, but you might need a couple more depending on the severity of your problem. Can be used up to the day of harvest...that is what it says on the bottle.
Hope that is enough info for you.
Good Luck!