Black Jack CFL flowering


Well-Known Member
nice grow man. what did u yield dry weight with all them lights? did u have them scattered around or all on top?


Active Member
Well I guess hes too fuckin high to get on the computer anymore!!! :eyesmoke:
You're not kidding! Sorry about the hiatus, lots going on. I finally got a scale worth a $hit, dry weight came out to just shy of 60 grams (Not the 400 that nirvana quotes, but for a novice, I'm happy!) The pictures only show 34 grams. The smoke is great! Very sweet and piney. :bigjoint: The high comes on very hard! It's a good balance of head and body highs. I very strongly recommend this strain! I'll be starting my next show pretty soon with a couple of Master Kush seeds. I'll post as soon as they are in the ground!


lookin good close to choppin one of my blackjacks soon. I debate with myself every day if i should or not. how long did you flower for?


Well-Known Member
You're not kidding! Sorry about the hiatus, lots going on. I finally got a scale worth a $hit, dry weight came out to just shy of 60 grams (Not the 400 that nirvana quotes, but for a novice, I'm happy!) The pictures only show 34 grams. The smoke is great! Very sweet and piney. :bigjoint: The high comes on very hard! It's a good balance of head and body highs. I very strongly recommend this strain! I'll be starting my next show pretty soon with a couple of Master Kush seeds. I'll post as soon as they are in the ground!
see u could of easily achieved the 400. those numbers are for sea of green yeilds. 60 grams dry is beast. very nice grow man. suxs for me u had all those lights and i have a 1/3 of what u have so i can only expect an oz tops.


Active Member
Man! Only been out of the growing for about 2 months, but I miss it! Don't worry me brothers, got a new BJ grow coming soon! Got lots of things I want to change so hopefully I can bring in twice as much as I did with this grow! See you guys soon!


Active Member
I don't know why you would flowering with 1000watts of cfls over flowering with a 500 watt hps even.... 60 grams is pretty sad man... I flowered with 250watts of cfls I got 16grams off one plant...... That was my first time, hopefully next will be more...

Just saying, 1000watts of cfl's must put out more heat then 500watt hps.. Hps would yield you way more

If you have space for it.. I don't that's why I use cfls.... the light has to be further away with HPS because its so hot.


Active Member
I don't know why you would flowering with 1000watts of cfls over flowering with a 500 watt hps even.... 60 grams is pretty sad man... I flowered with 250watts I got 16grams off one plant...... That was my first time, hopefully next will be more...

Just saying, 1000watts of cfl's must put out more heat then 500watt hps.. Hps would yield you way more

If you have space for it.. I don't that's why I use cfls.... the light has to be further away with HPS because its so hot.
holy fucking thread revival... he did this grow in 2009!