black leaves? black buds?


Active Member
Hi I have been a member here for awhile now, but never really posted much. I started a rando seed i found on my desk outside in a bucket. After she got hit a few times by torrential downpour rains and shitty temps i through her in my box down in the basement and shes finally starting to look happy again. My question is that even since she sprouted her first set of fan leaves there has been a black coloration both on the cola where the new growth comes out and on all the leaves. it doesent rub off and seems to dissapate as the leaves get older. The top bud is looking very dark with a mix of purples has anyone every seen somthing like this?



Could anyone tell me about my young plants have greyish spots on leaves I spray them with water and rizotonic every day could that be it?


Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
Could anyone tell me about my young plants have greyish spots on leaves I spray them with water and rizotonic every day could that be it?
Well it looks like they just have a residue no damage...the rizotonic is for the roots not leaves? Also what are you feeding your plants? I see too much N & K just from that small picture!?


Okay so don't spray them?, and I got them as cuttins so haven't fed them just water be feeding 1ml of grow tkmrow am using bio bizz

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
Okay so don't spray them?, and I got them as cuttins so haven't fed them just water be feeding 1ml of grow tkmrow am using bio bizz
Foliar feelings are awesome for small plants just not anything full strength and you really wana watch what it is so it doesn't burn...Epsom salts...kelp extract, and coco oil are a few I really up on foliar feeding, also I'd avoid putting bacteria strains on leaves unless it's from worm castings or another known bacteria that won't eat leaves or burn..


Foliar feelings are awesome for small plants just not anything full strength and you really wana watch what it is so it doesn't burn...Epsom salts...kelp extract, and coco oil are a few I really up on foliar feeding, also I'd avoid putting bacteria strains on leaves unless it's from worm castings or another known bacteria that won't eat leaves or burn..
thanks man really apericate it