Black lights and growing

dooby boy

Hey all I stumbled across this site and I have a question. I was told that if I used black lights during vegetative growth and flowering it would help to increase yield. I got my beans from Seed Boutique. All feminized and they are starting to sprout. If anyone knows if this is true? From what I've read here molasses seems to be the key. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
haha that's total bullshit, whoever told you that, never ask him for advice again...ever ever ever lol


Active Member
I am not sure about veg but wouldn't the black light contain uvb? Which would increase potency and yes molasses is good shit for organics!
The black light could only supplement the regular grow lights though!


Well-Known Member
I read something before about black lights or UV lights from the aquarium store. Has to be a specific wave length? & it can cause you sunburns if your in it too much is my understanding.

I would try one if I had it, but Im happy with what I grow at this point. Might experiment sometime in the near future.

THere must be a link on here about it...